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Premium Event
This is a Premium Event, making life easy for the competitor and staff and supports the operation of SSI
IPSC Handgun
Level II
Open, Standard, Production, Revolver, Classic, Production Optics
Bofors Skjutfält lat: 59.325790 lng: 14.648920
May 4, 2025, 8 a.m.
Event (active) starts May 4, 2025, 8 a.m. and ends May 4, 2025, 6 p.m. (Europe/Stockholm)
Max 120 competitors in main-match, currently 119 registered (119 approved, 0 pending) and 268 on waiting list.
Max 60 competitors in pre-match, currently 92 registered (92 approved, 0 pending) and 27 on waiting list.
Registration is open and will close April 30, 2025, 10 p.m. (Europe/Stockholm). (open from reg-date, new competitors pending, auto-approved when reg-fee paid)
Results only shown to organizers but scores shown to anyone.
Information visibility is public, searchable and details/names for all.
Detailed information

Registrering startar kl 10 den 18:e Januari.
850 kr - Lunch ingår både på PM (3/5) och MM (4/5).
Om startavgift ej betalats inom 2 veckor från pending går platsen vidare till nästa på WL.

PM 3:e Maj!

PM följer inte Waiting list utan fylls på efterhand och fylls upp med waiting list vid behov.
RO? - hör av dig till RM.