1. Shots of glory!
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
1.7074 Gustav Arvidsson Production- 69.11 118p 26|15|3|6|0 369067
1.6744 Martin Nilsson Production- 84.21 141p 22|18|7|3|0 369079
2.3585 Johan Modigh Production- 57.24 135p 28|14|3|5|0 369108
0.9150 Johan Grundin Production- 103.82 95p 23|15|5|7|0 369111
1.0883 Robert Andersson Production- 88.21 96p 28|11|3|8|0 369115
1.0097 Gerry Strandberg Production- 91.12 92p 25|15|2|8|0 369118
0.0000 Mikael Arnerwik Standard- 0.00 0p 0|0|0|0|0 369136
2.4199 Jörgen Andersson Production- 72.73 176p 30|14|4|2|0 369140
2. Igen?
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
2.5933 Gustav Arvidsson Production- 69.41 180p 32|12|4|2|0 369341
1.4021 Martin Nilsson Production- 88.44 124p 34|7|3|6|1 369252
2.0942 Johan Modigh Production- 59.69 125p 28|14|3|5|1 369286
1.2246 Johan Grundin Production- 98.81 121p 26|11|8|5|0 369287
2.1504 Robert Andersson Production- 72.08 155p 28|13|6|3|0 369221
1.8619 Gerry Strandberg Production- 88.62 165p 33|8|6|3|0 369300
1.2446 Mikael Arnerwik Standard- 85.97 107p 27|13|3|7|0 369312
2.5418 Jörgen Andersson Production- 73.57 187p 29|16|4|1|0 369333

Last result: 26th January 2025 22:24 (UTC)

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