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IPSC Handgun
Level II
Open, Standard, Production, Revolver, Classic
lat: 64.594580 lng: 18.811040
July 9, 2017, 9 a.m.
Event (completed) starts July 9, 2017, 9 a.m. and ends July 9, 2017, 7 p.m. (Europe/Stockholm)
Max 100 competitors in main-match, currently 90 registered (84 approved, 6 pending) and 0 on waiting list.
Max 35 competitors in pre-match, currently 35 registered (35 approved, 0 pending) and 0 on waiting list.
Registration is closed
Squadding opens for approved competitors March 1, 2017, noon, and closes July 6, 2017, noon.
Results and scores are shown to anyone.
Information visibility is public, searchable and details/names for all.
Detailed information

Entry fee is 400 kr.
Competitor will remain pending until entry fee is fully paid.
Entry fee can be paid either by Swish to nr 1236095053 or Bankgiro 891-7627.
Mark the payment with your startnumber or IPSC number.
If there is any problem with the payment contact the match organizer.
95% of the start fee will be repayed if you unregister from the match until one week before the match.
After 2017-07-02 no refunds will be made.
Prematch entry fee is 0 kr. Approwment of prematch participants will be made individually by organizers.
Prematch will be held on Friday 7/7 and Saturday 8/7. 10:00 to 18:00.
To keep your place in the match we would like you to pay the entry fee before
After that date we will start to offer slots that have not payed to those on waiting list.