1. Swinging Rack
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
1.2204 Thomas Olaussen Classic+ 13.11 16p 2|3|2|1|0 594559
1.7555 Oddbjørn Sildelid Standard- 15.95 28p 3|4|1|0|0 594539
2.0722 Helge Aase Open+ 16.89 35p 5|2|1|0|0 594561
0.4988 Gregor Brand Production- 28.07 14p 3|2|3|0|1 594564
1.4337 Kristian Lund Production- 16.74 24p 0|8|0|0|0 594509
0.5304 Kjartan Gausland Production- 20.74 11p 1|5|1|1|0 594513
1.0699 Ragnar Myhre Production- 14.02 15p 3|3|1|1|0 594560
0.1312 Pedro Inacio Standard- 22.87 3p 0|3|4|1|0 594512
1.5420 Anders Ingebrigtsen Production- 22.05 34p 6|1|1|0|0 594557
1.5043 Sveinung Hansen Open- 15.29 23p 6|1|0|1|0 594510
0.2315 Terje Tessem Standard+ 17.28 4p 2|2|3|1|1 594562
0.0000 Kjartan Vikør Production- 18.47 0p 1|1|5|1|2 594563
0.0000 Frank Liu Production- 26.27 0p 1|3|3|1|2 594552
0.7590 Gjermund Vigre-Larsen Production- 21.08 16p 3|3|2|0|1 594514
0.3179 Ola Stokkeland Classic+ 22.02 7p 3|2|2|1|1 594576
0.3236 Jonas Myhre Open+ 21.63 7p 3|3|0|2|0 594545
1.3716 Terje Woll Production- 16.04 22p 5|2|1|0|1 594511
2. Line-up
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
0.0899 Thomas Olaussen Classic+ 22.24 2p 0|6|4|2|1 594571
1.1510 Oddbjørn Sildelid Standard- 14.77 17p 4|5|2|1|1 594543
3.7546 Helge Aase Open+ 10.92 41p 7|4|0|1|0 594570
0.0000 Gregor Brand Production- 24.56 0p 5|4|0|3|1 594566
2.9061 Kristian Lund Production- 19.27 56p 11|0|1|0|0 594515
0.3944 Kjartan Gausland Production- 17.75 7p 0|8|3|1|1 594524
1.0537 Ragnar Myhre Production- 19.93 21p 3|4|4|1|0 594592
0.3341 Pedro Inacio Standard- 32.92 11p 2|6|3|1|1 594526
2.0825 Anders Ingebrigtsen Production- 24.01 50p 8|3|1|0|0 594558
2.7341 Sveinung Hansen Open- 14.63 40p 3|8|1|0|0 594518
0.1394 Terje Tessem Standard+ 28.69 4p 2|4|4|2|1 594568
0.0000 Kjartan Vikør Production- 20.06 0p 1|5|3|3|1 594565
0.0000 Frank Liu Production- 23.21 0p 0|3|1|8|2 594554
1.7324 Gjermund Vigre-Larsen Production- 20.78 36p 2|8|2|0|0 594520
0.0000 Ola Stokkeland Classic+ 12.97 0p 2|3|3|4|0 594574
0.0000 Jonas Myhre Open+ 27.28 0p 2|1|2|7|2 594549
1.9608 Terje Woll Production- 8.67 17p 7|4|0|1|1 594522
3. The Open Door
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
4.9917 Thomas Olaussen Classic+ 12.02 60p 12|0|0|0|0 594547
5.7264 Oddbjørn Sildelid Standard- 9.43 54p 9|3|0|0|0 594525
5.9190 Helge Aase Open+ 9.63 57p 9|3|0|0|0 594548
4.1580 Gregor Brand Production- 14.43 60p 12|0|0|0|0 594516
5.7769 Kristian Lund Production- 10.04 58p 11|1|0|0|0 594556
4.4158 Kjartan Gausland Production- 10.87 48p 8|2|2|0|0 594553
4.1139 Ragnar Myhre Production- 12.64 52p 8|4|0|0|0 594517
4.7619 Pedro Inacio Standard- 10.08 48p 7|4|1|0|0 594555
5.6426 Anders Ingebrigtsen Production- 9.57 54p 9|3|0|0|0 594519
5.5010 Sveinung Hansen Open- 10.18 56p 10|2|0|0|0 594582
4.4753 Terje Tessem Standard+ 12.96 58p 10|2|0|0|0 594550
3.8286 Kjartan Vikør Production- 10.97 42p 8|4|0|0|1 594551
3.4589 Frank Liu Production- 16.19 56p 10|2|0|0|0 594521
4.7945 Gjermund Vigre-Larsen Production- 11.68 56p 10|2|0|0|0 594580
4.7934 Ola Stokkeland Classic+ 12.10 58p 10|2|0|0|0 594546
3.7649 Jonas Myhre Open+ 15.14 57p 9|3|0|0|0 594523
6.5163 Terje Woll Production- 7.98 52p 8|4|0|0|0 594508
4. Hands UP
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
3.4868 Thomas Olaussen Classic+ 22.37 78p 14|2|0|0|0 594527
4.4029 Oddbjørn Sildelid Standard- 18.17 80p 16|0|0|0|0 594529
4.2254 Helge Aase Open+ 18.46 78p 14|2|0|0|0 594534
1.9043 Gregor Brand Production- 40.96 78p 15|1|0|0|0 594528
4.5024 Kristian Lund Production- 16.88 76p 14|2|0|0|0 594538
4.0892 Kjartan Gausland Production- 16.14 66p 9|7|0|0|0 594541
2.8502 Ragnar Myhre Production- 24.56 70p 11|5|0|0|0 594591
2.9162 Pedro Inacio Standard- 24.69 72p 12|4|0|0|0 594540
3.7491 Anders Ingebrigtsen Production- 14.67 55p 12|1|2|1|0 594535
4.2600 Sveinung Hansen Open- 18.31 78p 15|1|0|0|0 594537
9.8874 Terje Tessem Standard+ 7.99 79p 15|1|0|0|0 594536
2.0139 Kjartan Vikør Production- 28.80 58p 11|4|1|0|1 594531
1.8702 Frank Liu Production- 27.27 51p 14|0|1|1|1 594532
3.7871 Gjermund Vigre-Larsen Production- 19.54 74p 13|3|0|0|0 594544
4.1808 Ola Stokkeland Classic+ 17.70 74p 10|6|0|0|0 594533
2.8785 Jonas Myhre Open+ 25.36 73p 11|4|1|0|0 594530
3.0982 Terje Woll Production- 24.53 76p 14|2|0|0|0 594542
5. RUN
Hit Factor Name Time p A|C|D|M|NS id
2.0839 Thomas Olaussen Classic+ 70.54 147p 25|5|1|0|0 594587
2.6895 Oddbjørn Sildelid Standard- 40.90 110p 21|8|1|1|0 594567
3.2201 Helge Aase Open+ 45.34 146p 24|6|1|0|0 594585
1.6919 Gregor Brand Production- 61.47 104p 27|3|0|1|2 594569
3.1108 Kristian Lund Production- 44.04 137p 27|4|0|0|1 594584
2.7465 Kjartan Gausland Production- 50.61 139p 23|8|0|0|0 594581
2.0450 Ragnar Myhre Production- 48.41 99p 21|8|0|2|0 594572
1.8281 Pedro Inacio Standard- 64.00 117p 19|10|2|0|1 594583
3.3166 Anders Ingebrigtsen Production- 41.91 139p 24|6|1|0|0 594573
3.0359 Sveinung Hansen Open- 48.42 147p 27|4|0|0|0 594578
2.4125 Terje Tessem Standard+ 58.86 142p 20|10|1|0|0 594586
2.0003 Kjartan Vikør Production- 60.49 121p 17|11|3|0|0 594588
0.7784 Frank Liu Production- 73.23 57p 16|8|3|4|1 594577
2.6104 Gjermund Vigre-Larsen Production- 45.97 120p 20|10|0|1|0 594589
1.6746 Ola Stokkeland Classic+ 75.24 126p 16|13|2|0|1 594590
1.9541 Jonas Myhre Open+ 70.11 137p 17|12|2|0|0 594575
3.6418 Terje Woll Production- 36.52 133p 20|11|0|0|0 594579

Last result: 5th February 2025 03:37 (UTC)

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