Procedure: Shooter starts at the ready position, on the sound of the timer the shooter shoots 2 rounds at the first target, 2 rounds at the second target, and 4 rounds in the third target, the shooter then puts to more rounds in each of the other targets making a total of 4 rounds in each target. The shooter can chose the order to shoot the targets as long as the order consist of 2-2-4-2-2.
Rounds in the zone of the target will add 1 sec, rounds in the c zone of the target will add 2 sec, missed rounds will add 5 sec to total time.
Starting position: Gun loaded at the ready
Firearm ready condition:
Start on: Audible signal
Stop on: Last shot
Penalties: As per current edition of rules
Safety angles: L/R
Included in match (Comstock)
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