Procedure: The shotgun will be staged on a barrel, loaded magazine, empty chamber. The rifle will be staged on a barrel, loaded magazine, empty chamber. The pistol will be loaded and holstered. The shooter will be standing at the dump barrel.
On the signal, the shooter will engage the yellow Newbold Hang Tuff targets with the pistol. The red Newbold rifle targets will be engaged with the rifle. The orange Newbold shotgun targets and eight steel 4x4 four plates will be engaged, with the shotgun. Guns may be used in any order.
Starting position: Gun loaded & holstered
Firearm ready condition:
Start on: Audible signal
Stop on: Last shot
Penalties: As per current edition of rules
Safety angles: L/R
Included in match (Time-Plus penalties)
download stage descriptions (*.pdf)