Procedure: Condition 1 Holstered
On Start engage all pistol targets (white plates) in any order freestyle.
Door way entrance is one way only ( Inwards/Down range) you may not come back through it. Doing so will incur one procedural error for every shot fired Whilst in Error.
You must engage all targets from within the Blue Court area. The Outer white Boundary Line is a Foot Fault line. You must not step on it or over it even if not engaging a target. should you do so 1 PR will be awarded for every ocurence.
All plates must fall to count.
Crossing the pistol charge line will incur one procedural penalty for each shot fired whilst in breach of the charge line.
Starting position: In front of Table 1 Facing 'UP RANGE ' Hands naturally by sides
Firearm ready condition:
Start on: Start \ Stop Button
Stop on: Star \ Stop Button
Penalties: As per current edition of rules
Safety angles: L/R/V 90/90/90
Included in match (Time-Plus penalties)
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