LRSA IDPA 3-10-18 - results results return

SSP ESP CDP CCP COP REV PCC REV J S L SS MIR LER MI Most Accurate Compare statistics
# Score First name Last name DIV CAT CLS REG Club IDPA ID
1 168.11 Chris Warren CDP S SS USA Lrsa A44058
2 174.14 Vernon Kes SSP S MM USA A774521
3 191.14 Noel Cook SSP S LER UN USA
4 207.28 phillip johnson SSP S SS USA A332217
5 210.21 Lee Turner REV S MIR MM USA LRSA IDPA A53828
6 217.99 Terry Scallorn CCP S SS USA FCIDPA A538663
7 253.15 George Masciarelli COP S MIR MM USA LRSA IDPA A504769
8 311.20 Martin Masciarelli SSP S UN USA Lrsa
9 385.33 John Smithers SSP S NV USA FCIDPA A562691

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