LRSA IDPA 10-12-13 - results results return

SSP ESP CDP J S LE L SS MIR MI Most Accurate Compare statistics
# Score First name Last name DIV CAT CLS REG Club IDPA ID
1 57.44 Lee Ovaert SSP - MA USA Lrsa A53644
2 86.19 Michael Focarino SSP MI LE SS USA A343987
3 91.37 Stephen Addington SSP MI LE UN USA
4 94.97 Don Cox II SSP J MM USA LRSA A51428
5 97.50 Jeremiah Ooten SSP - SS USA A782397
6 109.27 Jimmy Matthews SSP MI UN USA Awesome
7 110.94 James Crider SSP MI MM USA LRSA A290733
8 111.73 Adam Crockett SSP - SS USA A55110
9 111.74 Doug Longshore SSP S MM USA A49027
10 115.36 Gregory Crawford SSP - MM USA A51981
11 117.18 Len Weld SSP S MM USA LRSA NEW
12 117.55 Andrew Yu SSP MI MM USA
13 120.57 Brian Smith SSP MI UN USA LRSA
14 121.21 Dan Wells SSP - UN USA
15 121.61 Travis Busick SSP - NV USA A755094
16 141.71 Ted Glass SSP - NV USA A963409
17 156.06 Shirlene Baker SSP L UN USA
18 200.00 Rebekah Crawford SSP L J NV USA A636105
19 201.53 Jennifer Greenan SSP L UN USA
20 219.02 Catherine Khouri SSP L MI UN USA
21 233.27 Trisha Cline SSP L NV USA
22 240.71 Craig Cardella SSP S UN USA A342448

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