Oregon TCDPL 09/08/13 IDPA Match - results results return

SSP ESP CDP J S SS Most Accurate Compare statistics
# Score First name Last name DIV CAT CLS REG Club IDPA ID
1 146.60 Robert Barton SSP S SS USA Oregon TCDPL A45872
2 176.00 Chris Rycewicz ESP S MM USA A51577
3 185.45 robert hubble ESP S MM USA tcgc A45507
4 187.92 Ed Ceccacci ESP S UN USA
5 218.62 Paul Meier ESP S SS USA A42330
6 221.40 Graylan DeBertrand SSP S MM USA 48180
7 290.74 Jim Rideout SSP S UN USA Tri County-Sherwood, OR A1000091

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