Richwood IDPA Match - July 2014 - results results return

SSP ESP CDP ESR SSR J S L SS LWE Most Accurate Compare statistics
# Score First name Last name DIV CAT CLS REG Club IDPA ID
1 99999.99 Stephen Ormeroid SSP S SS USA Richwood Gun and Game Club A25973
2 99999.99 George Ferguson SSP S MM USA A54273
3 99999.99 Tom Hubbard ESP S MM USA PCSI A51933
4 99999.99 John Hilton ESP S SS USA A48792
5 99999.99 William Johnston SSP S MM USA A47457
6 99999.99 Bill Cash SSP S MM USA A226145
7 99999.99 Dan Cox ESR S SS USA A51925
8 99999.99 Paul Herbert SSP S UN USA
9 99999.99 Dean Eberhart SSP S MM USA A864890
10 99999.99 Todd May SSP S MA USA A28975

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