LRSA IDPA 5-9-15 - results results return

SSP ESP CDP CCP REV REV S LE L SS MIR MI Most Accurate Compare statistics
# Score First name Last name DIV CAT CLS REG Club IDPA ID
1 11 / 94.85 Katie Harris SSP L MI SS USA EAGC A38303
2 12 / 101.66 nate backer CDP - UN USA Little River Sportsman's Association A468749
3 15 / 132.15 Robert Mercer SSP - MM USA LRSA A560061
4 24 / 146.15 Joel Hurley ESP LE MM USA A782664
5 25 / 119.03 Burke Lott ESP - UN USA A826580
6 27 / 175.33 Dan Wells SSP - UN USA
7 29 / 159.54 Doug Longshore SSP S MM USA A49027
8 35 / 97.67 Lee Ovaert CCP - UN USA Lrsa A53644
9 40 / 174.35 James Crider SSP - UN USA LRSA A290733
10 48 / 143.01 MIKE DEBONO CCP S MM USA little river sportsman association A31445
11 49 / 124.70 Brian Harlow SSP - MM USA A440977
12 52 / 216.67 George Masciarelli SSP MIR NV USA A504769
13 53 / 234.11 Ted Glass CCP S MM USA Little River Sportsman's Association A963409
14 55 / 163.62 Robert Setters SSP - UN USA
15 55 / 173.88 Len Weld CDP SS MM USA LRSA A416425
16 58 / 203.56 Joe Belson SSP - NV USA A960497
17 61 / 170.20 joe white ESP - MM USA lrsa A54829
18 62 / 159.58 James Herren ESP S UN USA
19 64 / 156.25 Lee Turner CCP S MIR SS USA LRSA IDPA A53828
20 81 / 219.43 Donald DiStefano SSP SS UN USA LRSA A116593

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