LRSA IDPA 9-12-15 - results results return

SSP ESP CCP LE SS MIR LER MI Most Accurate Compare statistics
# Score First name Last name DIV CAT CLS REG Club IDPA ID
1 81.61 Lee Ovaert SSP - MA USA Lrsa A53644
2 98.40 Chris Gay SSP - UN USA
3 144.43 Christopher Dyer SSP - SS USA A233517
4 148.22 Joel Hurley SSP LE MM USA A782664
5 153.24 Trent Kiesau SSP LER UN USA A175463
6 156.69 Philip Irwin SSP - MM USA A54192
7 161.79 Joshua Pitcher SSP MI MM USA A653560
8 188.93 Jake Stroisch SSP MI UN USA
9 190.51 Derek Dusenbery SSP MI UN USA A251861
10 208.64 George Masciarelli SSP - NV USA LRSA A504769
11 227.48 Jason Reichert SSP MIR UN USA
12 282.93 Donald DiStefano SSP SS UN USA LRSA A116593

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