LRSA IDPA 8-13-16 - results results return

SSP ESP CDP CCP S L SS MIR LER MI Most Accurate Compare statistics
# Score First name Last name DIV CAT CLS REG Club IDPA ID
1 21 / 200.19 Gordon Campbell CDP S MIR UN USA LRSA
2 22 / 142.51 Len Weld SSP SS UN USA LRSA A416425
3 32 / 104.12 Lee Ovaert CDP - UN USA Lrsa A53644
4 33 / 116.18 Lee Turner CCP S MIR SS USA LRSA IDPA A53828
5 34 / 168.77 Rick Denny CCP MIR MM USA LRSA IDPA A905838
6 40 / 151.28 Joshua Pitcher SSP MI MM USA A653560
7 62 / 194.07 Derek Dusenbery SSP MI UN USA A251861
8 83 / 147.31 Christopher Dyer SSP MI SS USA LRSA A233517
9 83 / 214.83 Jeffrey Lowery SSP - UN USA A397996
10 86 / 177.41 Seth Barta SSP MI UN USA
11 99 / 208.43 Doug Longshore SSP - MM USA A49027

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