First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 768.8475 Naushaad Cassim Open+ J ZWE B Sporting
2 96.24 739.9437 Wanda Zama Production Optics- - ZWE A zamalek Vektor
3 94.79 728.7909 Thomas Affleck Custom- - ZWE U
4 92.88 714.0708 Pieter Burger Open- - ZAF A Golden City
5 92.32 709.7913 Clifford Goosen Production- - ZWE U Vektor
6 91.18 701.0191 Eddie Smith Open+ S ZAF A Golden City
7 90.60 696.5771 Pieter Bouwer Open+ - ZAF A pieter Golden City
8 89.85 690.8409 Kenny Van Der Merwe Open+ S ZWE A Snipers
9 87.36 671.6400 Thomas Affleck Production Optics- - ZWE A thomas Ihawu Shooting Club
10 83.85 644.7146 Kirsty Bohler Open+ L ZWE U Vektor
11 83.11 638.9946 Ebrahim Asvat Open+ S ZAF U ZWE
12 82.87 637.1351 Balthaser Buhrmann Production Optics- - ZAF A Golden City
13 81.71 628.2274 Daniel Matic Production- - ZAF A automatic Golden City
14 81.47 626.4015 Maciek Michalski Standard+ - ZAF A Golden City
15 80.45 618.5743 Freddie Labuschagne Standard+ - ZAF A freddie Golden City
16 77.52 596.0049 Justin Bohler Production- - ZWE U Vektor
17 77.03 592.2789 Carlo Belletti Open+ SS ZAF U Goldencity
18 76.66 589.4027 Steven Wells Production- - ZWE B Spartan Arms
19 76.06 584.8185 Corrie Grove Production Optics- S ZAF U corrie PMPSC
20 75.75 582.3815 Brad Henstock Open+ S ZWE U brad Golden City
21 75.18 578.0462 Zunaid Solomon Open+ - ZWE B RSC
22 74.53 573.0534 Neelesh Dullabh Open+ - ZAF B golden city
23 73.79 567.3543 Rohan Wiese Production- - ZWE U TEKS Shooting club
24 73.73 566.8674 Daniel Matic Custom- - ZAF A automatic Golden City
25 73.65 566.2719 Johan Otto Standard+ J ZWE U Vereeniging
26 73.26 563.2227 Joel Cohen Open+ SS ZAF A Golden City
27 71.90 552.7900 Henno Terblanche Production- - ZWE U henno777 Vektor
28 71.42 549.1064 Eugene Jonker Custom- - ZAF U eugene Golden City
29 71.41 549.0623 James Selwyn Vaughan Open+ SS ZAF B jimv CG524
30 70.70 543.5840 Mark Atkins Custom- S ZAF A Golden City
31 70.11 539.0629 Wayne Hammond Production Optics- - ZAF A rogue
32 70.09 538.8876 Johan Wheeler Classic- - ZWE U johan Vektor
33 69.95 537.7970 Herman Potgieter Classic- S ZAF U harrycane Golden City
34 69.71 536.0007 Peter Lindstrom Custom- - ZAF B pistolpete Golden City
35 69.58 534.9817 Wyn Robertson Custom- - ZAF C Golden city
36 69.27 532.6033 Feroz (Faheem ) Daya Pistol Caliber Carbine- - ZWE A Golden City
37 68.92 529.9255 Pravesh Magan Open+ - ZAF C Golden City
38 68.84 529.2919 Davin Vincent Giles Classic- S ZAF U Golden City
39 68.65 527.7858 Wessel Strydom Standard+ - ZWE U Golden City
40 68.37 525.6729 Christopher Hanscombe Production Optics- - ZAF U Golden City
41 68.33 525.3712 Warren Bonheim Production Optics- - ZAF C Golden City
42 68.31 525.2127 Michael Coutts Open+ S ZAF C daktari Golden City Shoting Club
43 68.05 523.1850 Claudio Massella Open+ S ZAF C Roodepoort
44 67.50 518.9920 Mark Atkins Production Optics- S ZAF A Golden City
45 67.28 517.2903 Darryl Flannigan Production- - ZAF A 699 Golden City
46 67.18 516.4745 Wyn Robertson Production Optics- - ZAF C Golden city
47 67.10 515.8713 Peter Holmes Open+ SS ZWE C pistol Spartan
48 66.68 512.6605 Herman Potgieter Custom- S ZAF U harrycane Golden City
49 66.50 511.2640 Deon Potgieter Pistol Caliber Carbine- - ZAF U Golden City
50 66.22 509.1089 Rahul Dullabh Open+ - ZAF U golden city
51 66.14 508.4879 Marlin Kops Standard+ - ZWE U Port Elizabeth Rifle and Pistol Club
52 65.69 505.0874 Garth Beulich Pistol Caliber Carbine- - ZAF U Golden City
53 64.71 497.4841 Dawid Van Reenen Pistol Caliber Carbine- - ZWE D Dspa
54 64.00 492.0533 Arno Theron Production- - ZWE U Teks Shooting Club
55 63.83 490.7440 Glen Kruger Standard+ - ZAF U Golden city
56 63.51 488.2890 Peter Lindstrom Production Optics- - ZAF B pistolpete Golden City
57 62.86 483.2947 cHris Marais Open+ SS ZAF B Goldencity
58 62.73 482.2974 Sean Flannigan Production- - ZAF A irish Golden City
59 62.43 480.0134 Abraham Jansen Van Vuuren Classic- SS ZWE B Spartan
60 62.26 478.6686 Andy Charalambous Standard+ SS ZWE U Spartan Arms
61 62.20 478.2295 Nilan Rampershad Production Optics- S ZWE B Magnum
62 61.92 476.0902 Eugene Jonker Production Optics- - ZAF U eugene Golden City
63 61.35 471.6927 Neil Hunter Production- - ZAF A GCPSC
64 61.10 469.7422 Madeline Muller Production- L ZWE U PMPSC
65 60.48 464.9622 Marco Guedes Production- - ZWE C Spartan Arms International
66 59.87 460.3224 Coert Erasmus Open+ S ZAF U Golden City
67 59.77 459.5618 Etienne Burger Production- - ZWE U Wolwehoek
68 59.70 459.0066 Nick Wesley Smuts Standard+ - ZAF C CG1278
69 59.31 455.9757 Moosa Mangera Standard+ - ZAF B Golden City
70 58.88 452.6907 Jan Harm Jacobs Production Optics- S ZAF U Golden City
71 58.75 451.7090 Otto Hecht Production Optics- S ZWE U otto Frontier
72 58.62 450.6863 Deon Potgieter Custom- - ZAF U Golden City
73 58.60 450.5728 Frans Pieterse Production- - ZAF B french Golden City
74 57.84 444.6757 Fanie Otto Standard+ S ZWE C Vereeniging
75 57.59 442.8042 Sean Murphy Open- S ZWE U TacSHAC
76 57.38 441.1562 Chris Baxter Production- - ZAF U Roodepoort
77 56.84 437.0379 Clive Pedersen Open+ SS ZAF B Golden City
78 56.44 433.9688 Keith Christopher Askham Open+ SS ZAF U jetjungle Golden City
79 56.29 432.8136 Kassie Carstens Production- - ZAF B kassie CG3847
80 56.24 432.3921 Bardev Rowjee Open- SS ZAF C Golden City Shooting Club
81 55.75 428.6618 Adam Levin Production- - ZWE C Spartan
82 54.29 417.3793 David Kazakov Production- - ZAF U Golden City
83 53.90 414.4082 Rahul Dullabh Custom+ - ZAF U golden city
84 52.72 405.3284 Mariette Hecht Open+ L ZWE D mariette Frontier
85 52.22 401.4620 Niko Min Open+ SS ZAF U Golden City
86 52.02 399.9169 Dylan Kent Production Optics- - ZWE U
87 51.84 398.5959 Allan Deming Su Production- - ZAF C CG4471
88 51.04 392.3826 Etienne Francois Bekker Standard+ S ZAF C golden city
89 51.02 392.2611 Albert Ludick Production- - ZAF U Golden City
90 50.45 387.9069 Neale Goddard Production- - ZAF U Golden City
91 50.34 387.0587 Kevin Trollip Production Optics- - ZAF C GCPSC
92 49.82 383.0536 Minette Burger Open- L ZAF U Golden City
93 48.94 376.3024 Keith Trollip Standard- - ZAF C GCPSC
94 48.06 369.4741 Hilton Fischer Standard+ S ZAF D Golden City
95 47.85 367.9228 Martin Le Roux Production- - ZAF U Roodepoort
96 46.85 360.1824 Jan Schoeman Production- - ZAF U Golden City
97 46.82 359.9706 Colin De Souza Classic- S ZAF C Golden City
98 46.80 359.7902 Jean-Pierre Labuschagne Standard+ - ZAF U Golden city
99 46.06 354.1286 Andrew Reid Production Optics- S ZAF U Golden City
100 45.41 349.1261 Chris Prinsloo Production- S ZWE U chrisp Spartan Arms/Golden City
101 43.85 337.1469 Adrian Chinery Production- S ZAF U Roodepoort
102 42.90 329.8205 Enver Tim Standard+ SS ZAF U golden city
103 40.21 309.1636 Ally Hassen Open- - ZAF U Golden City Shooting Club
104 39.74 305.5723 Tony Rodrigues Production- - ZAF C Golden city
105 39.01 299.8892 Guy Donald Open+ - ZAF U Golden City
106 38.58 296.5886 Ryan Swanepoel Production- J ZAF U RPSC
107 38.45 295.6430 Malcolm Cox Open+ SS ZAF U Golden City
108 37.93 291.6391 Johan Swanepoel Production- - ZAF U RPSC
109 37.39 287.4814 Stephan Van Zijl Production- - ZWE U Vector
110 37.17 285.7921 Chantel Potgieter Production- L ZAF U Golden City
111 36.94 284.0418 Johan Esterhuizen Production- S ZAF U Roodepoort
112 36.64 281.6842 Nadeem Bhyat Production- S ZAF U Golden City
113 36.06 277.2786 Mark Leong Classic+ S ZAF U Golden City
114 35.92 276.1410 Richard Coetzee Standard+ S ZAF U
115 35.69 274.3694 Ramdas Dayaljee Open+ SS ZAF U Golden City
116 35.61 273.7503 Sean Moffett Standard- SS ZAF U Golden City
117 34.35 264.1276 Billy Pieterse Production- S ZAF U billy Golden City
118 34.19 262.8588 Roelof Liebenberg Production- S ZWE D rlczs2 Vektor Shooting Club
119 33.42 256.9802 Gavin Warburton Standard- SS ZAF U Golden City
120 31.13 239.3279 Sonja Senekal Production Optics- L ZWE U Frontier
121 30.61 235.3371 Peter Williams Production- S ZAF U Roodepoort
122 29.78 228.9425 Gerhard Senekal Classic+ S ZWE C Frontier
123 29.59 227.4887 Gideon Jouber Open+ SS ZAF U Golden City
124 26.61 204.5969 Thomas Clack Classic- SS ZWE U Vereeniging
125 26.57 204.3184 Heinz Gunter Max Tischmann Open+ SS ZAF C Rpsc
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