First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 769.0285 Thomas Affleck Custom- - ZWE U
2 79.96 614.9179 Daniel Matic Custom- - ZAF A automatic Golden City
3 76.48 588.1744 Eugene Jonker Custom- - ZAF U eugene Golden City
4 75.03 577.0079 Mark Atkins Custom- S ZAF A Golden City
5 74.03 569.2769 Wyn Robertson Custom- - ZAF C Golden city
6 73.95 568.6590 Peter Lindstrom Custom- - ZAF B pistolpete Golden City
7 71.19 547.4642 Herman Potgieter Custom- S ZAF U harrycane Golden City
8 62.25 478.7340 Deon Potgieter Custom- - ZAF U Golden City
9 57.49 442.1381 Rahul Dullabh Custom+ - ZAF U golden city
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