# | MATCH % |
First name | Last name | DIV | CAT | REG | SRA | Club |
1 | 72.44 | 789.4876 | Marko | Mikkonen | Standard | 7.62 MI | FIN | 6762 | Hämeenlinnan seudun reserviupseerikerho ry |
2 | 64.79 | 706.1336 | Aleksi | Afkir | Standard | 7.62 MI | FIN | 8121 | Harjavallan Reserviläiset |
3 | 61.42 | 669.3119 | Jarno | Vilén | Standard | 7.62 | FIN | 4261 | SPOL |
4 | 55.09 | 600.3862 | Matias | Lehto | Standard | 7.62 MI | FIN | 8435 | Turun reserviupseerit ry |
5 | 54.34 | 592.1459 | Pasi | Laiho | Standard | 7.62 | FIN | 4471 | Ulvilan Reserviläiset ry |
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