First name
Last name
1 100.00 636.7611 Jacob Lindblom Open- - SWE U jacobl NLSC
2 93.65 596.3369 Gunnar Almkvist Production Optics- - SWE U gunalm ADS
3 90.42 575.7456 Emil Nordin Production Optics- - SWE U nordinemil Umeå PK
4 89.11 567.4470 Günther Lindmark Production Optics- - SWE U coffeeman NLSC
5 86.34 549.7637 Kalle Svensk Production Optics- - USA U ADS
6 85.81 546.4186 Niklas Vik Production Optics- - SWE U Lxssf
7 82.60 525.9558 Adam Vikberg Classic- - SWE U nitrohunter NLSC
8 73.92 470.6986 Filip Jakobsson Production Optics- - SWE U LXSSF
9 73.31 466.8197 Johan Nyström Production- - SWE U Arvidsjaur dynamiska skyttar
10 68.76 437.8310 Anton Pardén Production Optics- - SWE U redde BSSK
11 67.68 430.9705 Mikael Lidström Production- - SWE U trostjuven NLSC
12 66.93 426.1997 Fredrik Funseth Production- - SWE U funtan BSSK
13 65.54 417.3047 Henrik Smeds Production- - SWE U smeden NLSC
14 62.19 396.0137 Bjørn Madsen Production- - NOR U madlate Salten Dynamiske
15 60.58 385.7609 Peter Riikkula Standard- - SWE U NLSC
16 60.36 384.3541 Oscar Cederqvist Standard- - SWE U ESs
17 59.97 381.8773 Pär Marklund Production- - SWE U piteper NLSC
18 56.92 362.4728 Daniel Westerlund Standard- - SWE U dannusw ADS
19 56.81 361.7388 Andreas Sandberg Production Optics- - SWE U sandarn NLSC
20 56.00 356.5806 Nicklas Nordlund Production- - SWE U nordlund NLSC
21 55.53 353.5820 Jesper Lindblom Production- J SWE U jesperl ADS
22 55.18 351.3802 Alexander Sandgren Standard- - SWE U atheris NLSC
23 54.48 346.9095 Magnus Irtoft Production Optics- - SWE U irtoft NLSC
24 53.77 342.3981 Hampus Torstenson Production- - SWE U hato Arvidsjaur DS
25 52.92 336.9644 Jonas Morén Production- - SWE U jonasmoren BSSK
26 52.57 334.7556 Viggo Svanstrøm Standard- S NOR U kanaris HDS
27 51.94 330.7094 Martin Axelsson Standard- - SWE U axelsson NLSC
28 51.77 329.6681 Peder Strand Production Optics- - SWE U GrSk
29 51.74 329.4677 Mateo Martinovic Production- - SWE U MSPS
30 51.02 324.8853 Andreas Nilsson Production- - SWE U boyd BSSK
31 46.38 295.3280 Erik Hansson Classic- - SWE U snubbelfot BSSK
32 45.49 289.6385 Mats Nordberg Production Optics- - SWE U matsn NLSC
33 43.76 278.6381 David Salomonsson Revolver- - SWE U mrsalo BSSK
34 41.01 261.1203 Ida Folkesson Production- - SWE U marta NLSC
35 40.95 260.7324 Marcus Lundberg Production- - SWE U maccan BSSK
36 33.92 216.0017 Lennart Lindgren Standard- S SWE U ADS
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