First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 316.7853 Zoran Marjanovic Production Optics- S NOR U zormar TFS
2 98.95 313.4744 Mikael Madsen Production Optics- - NOR U notepid TFS
3 88.67 280.8796 Kristian Hagemo Production Optics- - NOR U hagis TFS
4 80.36 254.5711 Jostein Malmo Production Optics- - NOR U TFS
5 77.93 246.8731 Stig Arne Haugen Production Optics- - NOR U stig Trondheim Feltskyttere
6 72.92 231.0006 Imre Andreas Koteng Production Optics- - NOR U imrekoteng Trondheim Feltskyttere (TFS)
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