First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 739.0205 Ted Åhlenius Production Optics- - SWE U ted FöUtb
2 89.79 663.5758 Kalle Halvarsson Open+ - SWE U adhd
3 87.63 647.6071 Hugo Rinaldo Open+ SJ SWE U rinaldojr LaholmsPSK
4 87.33 645.3513 Marcus Norberg Open+ - SWE U nog SSK
5 86.73 640.9308 Tobias Åström Production Optics- - SWE U mercs Bergslagens skyttar, BESK
6 86.20 637.0362 Mathias Rinaldo Open+ S SWE U pewpewu2 LaholmsPSK
7 86.18 636.8761 Andreas Warsén Open+ - SWE U SSK
8 84.34 623.2991 Jens Söderlund Open+ S SWE U nanoti SPSK
9 82.91 612.6880 Niclas Dal Production Optics- S SWE U nickeklick SPSF
10 81.96 605.7319 Jiro Nihei Production Optics- S SWE U zatoichi Stockholms LVF
11 81.69 603.7120 Tommy Mattsson Production Optics- - SWE U digglers
12 81.57 602.8337 Marcus Eriksson Production Optics- - SWE U marer SPK
13 81.01 598.6466 Ricardo Soler Production- - SWE U rickipick SSK
14 80.94 598.1687 Kyrre Lee Production Optics- S SWE U bombom Stockholm MGC
15 79.78 589.5690 David Levin Production Optics- - SWE U spislucka IPSC Örebro
16 77.74 574.5471 Kristian Haanpää Production Optics- - SWE U ESs
17 76.44 564.9214 Daniel Holmgren Production Optics- - SWE U danneh MDS
18 76.29 563.7634 Robin Östman Production- - SWE U wox SPSK
19 76.09 562.3417 Jokke Eriksson Production Optics- - SWE U jokke ESs
20 75.57 558.4412 Jimmy With Production Optics- - SWE U with Skytte Smedjan (TEAM 016)
21 74.68 551.9319 Tomas Lindgren Open+ S SWE U totte BOPS
22 73.80 545.3977 Michael Lindström Production Optics- S SWE U
23 72.34 534.6297 lars-tony skoog Production Optics- S SWE U skoogis SPSK
24 72.30 534.2999 Håkan Wiren Production- S SWE U torgaso Stockholms LVF
25 71.96 531.8311 Jimmy Jonsson Production Optics- - SWE U TEAM ONYX
26 71.58 528.9568 Carl Danielson Production- - SWE U kexet Karlstads PSK
27 71.51 528.4805 Johan Skogh Production- - SWE U skogh SPSK
28 71.37 527.4196 Fredrik Holmstrand Production Optics- - SWE U hompa Sundsvalls PK
29 70.62 521.9215 Kent Stangvik Production Optics- S SWE U nordicraven IPSC Smedjan
30 70.46 520.7403 Martin Assarsson Production- - SWE U Stockholms LVF
31 70.35 519.9269 Martin Jönsson Standard- - SWE C jartinmunson Kumla Sportskyttar
32 69.22 511.5696 Mats Parhammar Production Optics- S SWE U mapa Sundsvalls PK
33 68.19 503.9431 Luis Soler Production Optics- S SWE U luyazami SPSF
34 67.82 501.2052 Timur Lundholm Production- - SWE U timpa ESs
35 67.76 500.7966 David Axberg Open+ S SWE U davva Gävle PK
36 67.62 499.7303 Robert Eriksson Production Optics- - SWE U rabbagaster IPSC Smedjan Team Vicenten
37 66.71 492.9948 Robin Henriksen Production Optics- - SWE U henke SPSK
38 66.69 492.8781 John Bryant-Meisner Production Optics- - SWE U jbm Stockholms LVF
39 66.44 491.0029 Stellan Simeonidis Production Optics- - SWE U odysseus Stockholms LVF
40 66.01 487.8453 Linus H Production Optics- - SWE U linush Sthlm M&P
41 66.01 487.8395 Erik Fjellström Production- - SWE U BallisticS
42 65.72 485.6943 Lilly Westberg Production- L SWE U lilwest IPSC Ockelbo
43 65.46 483.7878 Jimmy Svensson Production- - SWE U 9mm IPSC Örebro
44 65.24 482.1571 Merima Åström Production Optics- L SWE U mima Bergslagens Skyttar, BESK
45 65.24 482.1282 Maximus Albenius Production Optics- J SWE U BESK Bergslagens Skyttar
46 64.59 477.3028 Peter Söderberg Production- - SWE U psod BallisticS
47 64.55 477.0501 One-Eyed Jack Production Optics- - SWE U ripper BBSKF
48 64.29 475.1049 Robert Holmgren Production Optics- - SWE U MDS
49 63.79 471.4201 Karl Magnus Troedsson Open+ - SWE U SSK
50 63.31 467.8666 Mikael Andersson Production- - SWE U mickemuz MDS
51 63.28 467.6439 Mikael Söderholm Production Optics- S SWE U micke Team ONYX
52 62.77 463.8935 Mattias N Production Optics- - SWE U nopainnogain IPSC Smedjan
53 62.11 459.0229 Tom Söderström Standard- - SWE U toms89 Gävle PK
54 61.77 456.5283 Per Wikström Production Optics- - SWE U dalkarl
55 61.30 453.0293 Hans Olof Söderling Classic- - SWE U lillen RJPS
56 61.04 451.0853 Jonas Renström Production Optics- S SWE U jonas SPSK
57 59.32 438.3687 jaakko kangasvieri Production- - SWE U jaakko IPSC Örebro
58 59.16 437.1714 Malte Nordin Production Optics- - SWE U IPSC Örebro
59 58.82 434.7042 Joakim Rudensten Open+ S SWE U jr528swed Linköping Shooting Club
60 58.52 432.4972 Erik NotKnown Production- S SWE U scoreman Stockholms LVF
61 58.52 432.4937 Jan Mattsson Open+ SS SWE U janm IPSC Västerås
62 58.20 430.0956 Patrik Fasth Production Optics- - SWE U pfasth Skytte Smedjan (TEAM 016)
63 57.82 427.2993 Bo Edin Open- SS SWE U clickmaster IPSC Västerås
64 57.80 427.1660 William Sandström Production Optics- - SWE U wucs PK Ena
65 57.72 426.5788 Jim Gellin Standard- - SWE C jimpa Kumla SportSkyttar
66 57.60 425.6694 Daniel Holmberg Production Optics- - SWE U GDS
67 57.15 422.3718 Christoffer With Production Optics- - SWE U smeden Skytte Smedjan (TEAM 016)
68 57.05 421.5936 Jonny Arbinger Production Optics- S SWE U binge SPSK
69 56.53 417.7930 Johan Lindqvist Production Optics- - SWE U Avesta Skyttegille
70 56.42 416.9909 Niklas Narving Production Optics- S SWE U Smedjan Eskilstuna
71 56.30 416.0784 Daniel Ädel Production Optics- - SWE U adel MDS
72 55.94 413.4305 Micke Lindblom Production- - SWE U IPSC Västerås
73 55.66 411.3088 Martin Otterbo Production- - SWE U canton Gävle PK
74 55.56 410.5789 Edith Gustavsson Production- L SWE U ehg FöUtb
75 55.45 409.7863 Mikael Wallander Open- - SWE U Berga SKF
76 55.31 408.7507 Christian Ohlsson Production Optics- - SWE U kotte Ipsc Örebro
77 55.23 408.1908 Robert Becker Production- - SWE U VADS
78 55.18 407.8009 Ted Kvarnström Production Optics- - SWE U themanwhitnoname SPSK
79 55.13 407.4083 S Haglund Production Optics- - SWE U MPS
80 55.10 407.1985 Jakob Ekman Production Optics- - SWE U Karlstads PSK
81 54.92 405.8802 Henry Joona Production Optics- S SWE U joonix Örlb Skf
82 54.87 405.4683 Kjell Larsson Production Optics- SS SWE U kmkjelle RJPS
83 54.68 404.0598 Mr Andersson Production- - SWE U andersson Uppsala DS
84 54.62 403.6666 Ronny Andreassen Standard- S SWE U matrix99 SPSF
85 53.26 393.5993 Johan Nilsson Standard- - SWE U nilsson1911
86 53.06 392.1017 Henrik Grip Standard- - SWE U henkgriffin FöUtb
87 52.41 387.3156 Billy Broberg Production Optics- S SWE U badbilly Ballongberget Skf
88 52.15 385.3736 Anders Dahlberg Production Optics- S SWE U hungry Edsvalla Gunslingers
89 52.10 385.0648 Stefan Rosenberg Production Optics- S SWE U PK Ena
90 51.75 382.4511 Tommi Pekkanen Production- S SWE U IPSC Smedjan
91 51.48 380.4526 Linus Larsson Production Optics- - SWE U NPSK
92 51.30 379.1307 Kevin Kirk Standard+ S SWE U kpk NLT
93 50.70 374.7092 Joakim Bonde Open+ - SWE U VADS
94 50.52 373.3702 B.O. Hambledon Production- - SWE B freixenet Arlanda Skytteidrottsförening
95 50.36 372.1349 Tobias Jacobsson Standard- - SWE U IPSC Örebro
96 50.28 371.5635 Anders Steinwall Production- - SWE U steinwall S:t Eskils Skyttar, Eskilstuna
97 49.76 367.7113 Jens Forsgren Production- - SWE U yeren FöUtb
98 49.75 367.6991 Tomas Källsen Production- - SWE U BallisticS
99 49.42 365.2382 Sebastian Vestlund Standard- - SWE U sebastian VADS
100 49.41 365.1534 Mikael Segerholm Production- - SWE U fatamorgana Smedsbo Pistolskytteklubb
101 49.33 364.5364 Peter S Production- S SWE U biker66
102 49.30 364.3053 Marcus Gunnarsson Blomqvist Open- - SWE U dynamitarden S:t Eskils Skyttar, Eskilstuna
103 49.28 364.1548 Patrik Sedell Production Optics- - SWE U sedell IPSC Smedjan
104 48.98 361.9892 Jonas Alm Standard- - SWE U jonasalm Team ONYX
105 48.85 361.0026 Herr Larsson Production- - SWE U Karlstads PSK
106 48.84 360.9029 Josef Yousefian Production- S SWE U jose VDS
107 48.80 360.6786 Anton Wallin Standard- - SWE U Stockholms LVF
108 48.24 356.5019 Carl Astner Production Optics- - SWE U thedoc Skytte Smedjan (TEAM 016)
109 48.23 356.4176 Stefan Kristersson Standard- S SWE C stefan ESs
110 48.22 356.3374 Anders Johansson Production- S SWE U Uppsala DS
111 47.95 354.3862 Robin Andersson Production Optics- - SWE U romeoalfa IPSC Örebro
112 47.74 352.7802 Alexandra Shamloo Standard- L SWE U VADS
113 47.65 352.1402 Kim Nordström Production- - SWE U nordstrom85 Bergslagens Skyttar, BESK
114 47.38 350.1793 Christopher Hellsberg Production- - SWE U S:t Eskils Skyttar, Eskilstuna
115 47.33 349.7732 Daniel Decewicz Production- - SWE U pastor VADS
116 46.80 345.8554 Johan Albenius Production- - SWE U BESK Bergslagens Skyttar
117 46.59 344.3139 Fredrik Söderlund Production- - SWE U matusalem Bergslagens skyttar
118 46.47 343.4074 Marcello Torrisi Production Optics- - SWE U marcello IPSC Örebro
119 46.37 342.6614 Johannes Bartsch Open- S SWE U firehand IPSC Örebro
120 46.19 341.3178 Maria Bohlin Production Optics- L SWE U Stockholms LVF
121 46.06 340.3793 Stellan Lundberg Production Optics- - SWE U IPSC Västerås
122 45.78 338.2884 Grzegorz Tylus Production Optics- - SWE U Skytte Smedjan (TEAM 016)
123 45.76 338.1546 Mikael Norberg Production Optics- - SWE U sportshooter Karlstads PSK
124 45.49 336.1915 Fredrik Andreas Production Optics- S SWE U TSKF
125 45.21 334.1204 Anders Jansson Revolver- - SWE U rattatosk MDS
126 45.13 333.4954 Kev Norman Production- - SWE U kevno BBSKF
127 44.73 330.5370 Niclas Mineur Standard- S SWE U fromthehip Gävle PK
128 44.23 326.8646 Sam sund Production Optics- - SWE U gsam BBSKF
129 44.11 325.9872 Madelen Berg Production- L SWE U madly Berga Skf
130 43.32 320.1105 Pär Linnarsson Classic- - SWE U 45power RJPS
131 43.10 318.4818 Sandra Arbinger Standard+ L SWE U bilbo SPSK
132 42.90 317.0266 Daniel Höglund Production- - SWE U S:t Eskils
133 42.88 316.9229 Robert Westerberg Production Optics- S SWE U bobbiew FöUtb
134 42.82 316.4135 Adam Sjölin Production- - SWE U adasjo FöUtb
135 42.80 316.3023 Robin Rikardsson Production- - SWE U ESs
136 42.75 315.9260 Linnéa Berg Production- L SWE U IPSC Västerås
137 42.50 314.0597 Conny Chow Production Optics- SS SWE U konta BBSKF
138 42.35 312.9964 Toomas Saar Open- S SWE U ESs
139 42.25 312.2130 Marcus Hahn Standard- S SWE U sucram Ballongbergets SKF
140 42.04 310.6684 Patrik Hilber Standard+ - SWE U phdholiday HPSK
141 40.91 302.2965 Martin Blanc Production Optics- - SWE U NPSK
142 40.51 299.3470 Gustaf Dyrssen Open- S SWE U VADS
143 40.19 297.0053 Tobias Söderberg Classic- - SWE U S:t Eskils Skyttar, Eskilstuna
144 40.06 296.0710 Anton Lindahl Standard- - SWE U S:t Eskils Skyttar, Eskilstuna
145 39.99 295.5463 Elias Douah Production Optics- - SWE U Skytte Smedjan (TEAM 016)
146 39.58 292.5181 Robert Olsson Production Optics- - SWE U Skytte Smedjan (TEAM 016)
147 39.19 289.6251 Stefan Svahn Standard- S SWE U swessv Bergslagens skyttar
148 39.18 289.5602 Anna H Production Optics- - SWE U annakh Sthlm M&P
149 38.80 286.7256 Jonatan Stofkoper Production- - SWE U snowball Borlänge PS
150 38.76 286.4715 John Lindbom Open- SS SWE D Linköping Shooting Club
151 38.69 285.8911 Jimmy Tihvan Production- - SWE U Besk
152 38.45 284.1349 Nathalie ''Nalla'' Berg Production Optics- L SWE U
153 38.41 283.8473 Matts Lindberg Open- - SWE U Bergslagens Skyttar
154 38.36 283.4848 Filip Narving Production- J USA U
155 38.01 280.9278 Thomas Höglund Open- - SWE U Skytte Smedjan (TEAM 016)
156 37.69 278.5595 Jonathan Selander Production- - SWE U IPSC Smedjan
157 37.65 278.2331 Jonas Emilsson Production Optics- - SWE U Skytte Smedjan (TEAM 016)
158 37.30 275.6299 Patrik Bengtsson Production Optics- S SWE U IPSC Smedjan
159 37.24 275.2081 Thomas Bergefall Production- S SWE U ESs
160 36.70 271.2553 Leif Dahlberg Production Optics- S SWE U boyen IPSC Västerås
161 36.18 267.4134 Samuel Sjöberg Production- - SWE U Besk
162 36.04 266.3238 Tommie Lindquist Production- - SWE U Handens PSK
163 35.89 265.2273 Tim Thurin Production- - SWE U Besk
164 35.47 262.1126 Lennart Eriksson Revolver- S SWE U lelle357 IPSC Örebro
165 35.21 260.1850 Andreas Krainer Production- - SWE U Bergslagen Skyttar
166 34.39 254.1530 Victor Jörnung Production- - SWE U SPSF
167 33.91 250.5833 Petri Järvinen Standard- - SWE U IPSC-Smedjan
168 33.87 250.3373 Thomas A Production- - SWE U farbrorbarbro IPSC örebro
169 33.86 250.2121 Fredrik Asklund Production- S SWE U BBSKF
170 33.26 245.7976 Magnus Lundqvist Production Optics- - SWE U 5125 Bergslagens Skyttar
171 32.61 241.0177 Marcus Dahl Production- - SWE U mackan Bergslagens Skyttar, BESK
172 31.78 234.8522 Thomas Nilsson Production- S SWE U dubbelnisse Bergslagens Skyttar
173 31.70 234.2911 Ann N Production- L SWE U bbb Sthlm M & P
174 31.63 233.7827 Jan Olofsson Standard- SS SWE U jojo RJPS
175 31.50 232.7752 Vivi-Anne Karlsson Production- L SWE U vivianne Bergslagens Skyttar
176 31.23 230.7879 Per Celander Production- S SWE U percel71
177 31.11 229.9145 Juha Heikkinen Production Optics- S SWE U 39ng BBSKF
178 30.85 228.0170 Ulf Åström Production- SS SWE U jaggaxk8 BESK
179 30.65 226.5391 Stefan Grahn Classic+ SS SWE U mccoy IPSC Örebro
180 30.60 226.1490 Niklas A Production- - SWE U IPSC Smedjan
181 29.42 217.4241 Manne Sjöberg Production- - USA U BESK Bergslagens Skyttar
182 28.55 210.9864 Alexander Santmarie Production Optics- - SWE U vesslan IPSC SMEDJAN
183 28.49 210.5443 Mattias Lindberg Production- - SWE U Bergslagens skyttar
184 28.42 210.0262 Mads Jacobsen Standard- - SWE U VDS
185 28.21 208.4877 Tony Fast Production- - SWE U MDS
186 27.77 205.2442 Patrik Larsson Revolver+ S SWE U boggpatrik MDS
187 27.35 202.0867 Filip Östman Production- - SWE U SPSF
188 26.65 196.9848 Noah Bjelke Production- J SWE U Bergslagens skyttar
189 26.64 196.8550 Karin Karlsson Production Optics- L SWE U dixie BESK
190 26.52 195.9814 Carl Backström Production- - SWE U IPSC SMEDJAN
191 26.02 192.2613 Richard Lindkvist Production- - SWE U richard BESK
192 25.59 189.0810 Jon Svensson Classic- - SWE U jon RJPS
193 24.62 181.9753 Björn Lindkvist Production Optics- S SWE U MDS
194 23.02 170.1134 Johan Enbom Production- - SWE U Bergslagens skyttar
195 22.42 165.6912 Bengt Siverling Production Optics- S SWE U svingaling Ballongberget Skf
196 22.07 163.0786 Tobias Ljungberg Production- - SWE U IPSC ÖREBRO
197 21.45 158.5002 Mathias Karlsson Classic+ - SWE U messias BESK
198 21.21 156.7455 Jonathan Hansen Production- - SWE U IPSC Smedjan
199 19.99 147.7228 Robin Bergefall Production Optics- - SWE U ESs
200 19.43 143.6043 Diana Bergefall Production- L SWE U ESs
201 19.32 142.8143 Erik Johansson Revolver+ SS SWE U farbror IPSC Örebro
202 19.30 142.6529 svenne abrahamsen Production Optics- S SWE U 64abris BESK Bergslagens Skyttar
203 18.29 135.1835 Andre Uppström Production- - SWE U Bops
204 18.07 133.5605 Bengt Lindblad Production- S SWE U empirikern Bergslagens Skyttar: BESK
205 15.71 116.0829 Robin Engstrand Production- - SWE U BBSKF
206 12.52 92.5198 Jens Pettersson Production- - SWE U Bergslagens skyttar
207 7.86 58.1209 Ingela Werf Production- - SWE U Bergslagensskyttar
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