First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 553.5001 Ronny Andreassen Standard- S SWE U matrix99 SPSF
2 93.13 515.4753 Kevin Kirk Standard+ S SWE U kpk NLT
3 88.41 489.3454 Stefan Kristersson Standard- S SWE C stefan ESs
4 81.71 452.2698 Niclas Mineur Standard- S SWE U fromthehip Gävle PK
5 79.25 438.6669 Marcus Hahn Standard- S SWE U sucram Ballongbergets SKF
6 71.62 396.3945 Stefan Svahn Standard- S SWE U swessv Bergslagens skyttar
7 57.53 318.4022 Jan Olofsson Standard- SS SWE U jojo RJPS
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