First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 1065.2213 Ricardo Soler Production- - SWE U rickipick SSK
2 97.78 1041.5508 Martin Assarsson Production- - SWE U Stockholms LVF
3 96.39 1026.7873 Gabriel Lind Production- - SWE U gabbe Stockholms LVF
4 88.57 943.4884 Robert Johansson Production- - SWE U rj84 Sundsvalls PK
5 86.43 920.6269 Johan Skogh Production- - SWE U skogh SPSK
6 85.99 915.9845 Eric Carlsson Production- - SWE U ericar Linköpingspolisens Skytteklubb
7 85.46 910.3455 Robin Östman Production- - SWE U wox SPSK
8 84.33 898.3210 Fredrik Wildemo Production- S SWE U fredwild STHLM M&P
9 80.15 853.8062 Joakim Östby Production- S SWE U ostby228 Uppsala DS
10 79.36 845.3969 Patrik Gren Production- S SWE U badboy Security Group Dynamics
11 79.19 843.5881 Carl Danielson Production- - SWE U kexet Karlstads PSK
12 78.50 836.2512 Jim Andersson Production- - SWE U jga81 SPSF
13 78.38 834.8943 Robert Becker Production- - SWE U VADS
14 76.70 817.0346 Lilly Westberg Production- L SWE U lilwest IPSC Ockelbo
15 75.95 809.0015 Daniel Gulle Production- - SWE U gulle ESs
16 71.76 764.3685 Mattias Kneck Production- - SWE U masse VDS
17 70.33 749.1783 Edith Gustavsson Production- L SWE U ehg FöUtb
18 69.80 743.5250 Kristian Abrahamsson Production- - SWE U blixzen Team ONYX
19 68.68 731.5527 Erik NotKnown Production- S SWE U scoreman Stockholms LVF
20 68.07 725.0868 Micke Lindblom Production- - SWE U IPSC Västerås
21 67.83 722.5877 F Lindqvist Production- S SWE U Stockholms LVF
22 67.71 721.2876 Eric Carlsson Production- - SWE U Södertörn SK
23 67.23 716.1788 Herr Larsson Production- - SWE U Karlstads PSK
24 66.48 708.1197 Jon Hagstad Production- - SWE U hagge Stockholms LVF
25 65.96 702.6185 Robin Hellström Production- - SWE U blomman Stockholms LVF
26 65.96 702.6168 Albin Eriksson Production- - SWE U IPSC Västerås
27 65.85 701.4056 Fredrik Söderlund Production- - SWE U matusalem Bergslagens skyttar
28 64.70 689.1621 Vinko Rosic Production- - SWE U vince Stockholms LVF
29 64.07 682.5344 Maximillian Berg Molin Production- - SWE U mamo Stockholms LVF
30 63.51 676.4879 Mikael K Production- S SWE U kaggemos TSKF
31 61.99 660.2873 Daniel Decewicz Production- - SWE U VADS
32 61.95 659.9392 Anders Dahlberg Production- S SWE U hungry Edsvalla Gunslingers
33 61.35 653.4691 Andreas Matson Production- - SWE U leatherneck ESs
34 60.86 648.3303 Daniel Ying Production- - SWE U KornetSK - FMJ Shooting Range
35 60.86 648.3147 Magnus Edström Production- - SWE U mange STHLM M&P
36 59.80 637.0513 Fredrik Berg Production- - SWE U Linköpingspolisens Skytteklubb
37 59.57 634.5183 Anders P Production- S SWE U lanyc Stockholms LVF
38 58.78 626.1312 Olle Sjölin Production- - SWE U BallisticS
39 57.92 616.9929 Michael Ingvarsson Production- S SWE U grinchenmike Stockholms LVF
40 57.69 614.5629 Patrick M Production- - SWE U patrickm ESs
41 57.66 614.2211 Robin Öberg Production- - SWE U IPSC Västerås
42 57.30 610.3502 Mathias Wattenström Production- S SWE U mawa STHLM M&P
43 57.16 608.8591 Anders Johansson Production- S SWE U Uppsala DS
44 56.82 605.2206 Martin Engström Production- - SWE U Bromma PK
45 56.54 602.2325 Henrik Andersson Production- - SWE U Linköpingspolisens skytteklubb
46 56.52 602.0197 Viktor Samuelsson Production- - SWE U viktor Linköpingspolisens sk
47 56.45 601.2891 Martin Hemström Production- - SWE U martin Livgardets Skytteförening
48 56.39 600.7279 Andreas Cornale Production- - SWE U cornale ESs
49 55.61 592.4069 Adam Larsson Production- - SWE U adalar Team Onyx
50 55.56 591.8792 Niklas Tuvesson Production- - SWE U gonzo STHLM M&P
51 55.54 591.6751 Carl-Johan E Production- - SWE U BERGA SKF
52 54.22 577.5194 Andreas Bagoly Production- - SWE U baggen Rosersberg
53 53.44 569.2387 Alfredo W Production- - SWE U alfredo ESs
54 53.40 568.7773 Christofer B Production- S SWE U jcb Rosersberg
55 53.29 567.7057 Cecilia Eronen Production- L SWE U ceer Uppsala DS
56 52.91 563.6536 Maria Revling Production- L SWE U mhr SSF
57 52.48 559.0131 Anders Steinwall Production- - SWE U steinwall S:t Eskils Skyttar, Eskilstuna
58 51.81 551.8802 Matilda Sundqvist Production- L SWE U sundqvist Jönköpings PK
59 51.43 547.8598 B.O. Hambledon Production- - SWE B freixenet Arlanda Skytteidrottsförening
60 51.40 547.4963 Stefan Järn Production- - SWE U STHLM M&P
61 51.28 546.2475 Jimmy Tihvan Production- - SWE U Besk
62 50.59 538.9345 Christian Golshani Production- - SWE U goosemale Livgardets Skytteförening
63 50.44 537.3355 Pontus Forsling Ingvarsson Production- - SWE U pappawick S.R.S.F
64 46.93 499.9191 Marko Petronijevic Production- - SWE U pucilo Skytte Smedjan (TEAM 016)
65 45.68 486.6235 Dan Hedberg Production- S SWE U VADS
66 45.65 486.2404 Lars Hult Production- - SWE U smirre PK Ena
67 45.46 484.2426 Teddy Wallin Production- - SWE U Skytte Smedjan (TEAM 016)
68 44.88 478.0917 Ava Jawdat Production- L SWE U Stockholms LVF
69 43.37 461.9977 Björn Nehl Production- SS SWE U ESs
70 43.29 461.1440 Magnus Carlsson Production- - SWE U Linköpingspolisens Skytteklubb
71 43.16 459.7725 Rasmus Lundqvist Production- - SWE U Livgardets Skytteförening
72 42.42 451.8169 Krister Donred Production- S SWE U kribba SPS ORMEN SKF
73 42.00 447.4149 Thomas Bergefall Production- S SWE U ESs
74 41.83 445.5361 Oskar Andersson Production- - SWE U Linköpingspolisens skytteklubb
75 41.53 442.3729 Andreas Hanna Production- - SWE U Skytte Smedjan (TEAM 016)
76 40.45 430.9068 Jimmy Oldemar Production- - SWE U Gripen PK
77 39.69 422.8254 Jens M Production- S SWE U sweboss73 ESs
78 39.50 420.7111 Philip Kimgård Production- - SWE U ESs
79 39.49 420.6077 Henrik Hansen Production- - SWE U kallekula Rosersberg
80 39.44 420.0743 Micke Malmen Production- - SWE U ESs
81 38.82 413.5474 Patrik Dalsjö Production- S SWE U ardbeg Pistolklubben Ena
82 38.41 409.1068 Daniel Andersson Production- - SWE U Pistolklubben Ena
83 38.02 405.0384 Dennis Turstedt Production- - USA U ESs
84 38.00 404.7403 Farouk Marc Medina Ávila Production- - SWE U marcsman FöUtb
85 37.46 399.0131 Kristofer Karlsson Production- - SWE U investorleasing SPSF
86 36.41 387.8522 Johan Lindstrom Production- - SWE U bitskydd ESs
87 35.72 380.4902 Gabriel Roupillard Production- - SWE U gabriel ESs
88 35.41 377.2353 Johanna Nordvall Production- L SWE U johannathebanana Rosersberg
89 35.36 376.6969 Tommy Abrahamsson Production- - SWE U ESs
90 33.91 361.2272 Björn Tunberg Production- - SWE U ESs
91 33.76 359.6291 Christopher Mortezaei Production- - SWE U redfield Jönköpings PK
92 32.44 345.6014 André Guve Production- - SWE U Rosersberg
93 27.61 294.0719 Emil Rasmusson Production- - SWE U ESs
94 25.60 272.6469 Rickard Lennkvist Production- - SWE U ESs
95 23.94 254.9928 Stefani Bućo Production- L SWE U stefi ESs
96 23.60 251.3632 Diana Bergefall Production- L SWE U ESs
97 17.45 185.9009 Fredrik Anderstedt Production- - SWE U PkEna
98 14.03 149.4912 Kim Dagerud Production- - SWE U Skytte Smedjan (TEAM 016)
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