First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 1028.7278 Andreas Helvig Hansen Open+ - DNK - SSIN
2 92.80 954.6230 Pavel Ibenforth Production- - DNK - ibenforth SSIN
3 86.98 894.8074 David K Grainger Production Optics- - DNK - grainger SSIN
4 86.01 884.7606 Rasmus Andersen Standard- - DNK - B.D.S
5 83.59 859.9402 Jan Guldbrandsen Open+ S DNK - SSIN
6 83.22 856.0651 Martin Kaeseler Production Optics- - DNK - martink TeamSHIELD
7 82.90 852.8123 Henrik Lerfeldt Open+ SS DNK - bookkeeper
8 81.20 835.3334 Mikkel Gudbrand Open+ - DNK - gudbrand SSIN
9 79.68 819.6786 Rasmus E. Lemvig Production Optics- - DNK - dolff B.D.S
10 77.01 792.2069 Anders Egeskov Open+ - DNK - egeskov SSIN
11 75.55 777.2227 Michel Zohar Standard- - DNK - zohan SSIN
12 74.96 771.1515 Victor Næblerød Herstad Production- - DNK - SSIN
13 74.91 770.6194 Claus Henneberg Production Optics- - DNK - noxie SSIN
14 74.66 768.0154 Runi Skoubjerg Production Optics- - DNK - thuglyfe SDS
15 74.06 761.8436 Aleksandar Duracov Open+ - DNK - SSIN
16 72.37 744.4598 Jacob Larsen Classic- - DNK - mech
17 72.09 741.6313 Lasse Poulsen Standard- - DNK - poulsen SSIN
18 70.82 728.4940 Ronni Petersen Production- - DNK - VEPI
19 67.80 697.4602 Thomas Overgaard Standard- - DNK - B.D.S
20 67.57 695.0834 Kenneth Svendsgaard Production Optics- - DNK - SSIN
21 67.11 690.4028 Kenneth K Open- S DNK - SSIN / SKL
22 65.98 678.7657 Casper Vogelsang Production Optics- S DNK - vogelsang Nykøbing Sj/SSIN
23 64.83 666.9385 Gorm Toft Standard- - DNK - Nyk. Sj./ SSIN
24 63.67 654.9497 Mikkel Schulz Production- - DNK - SSIN
25 63.45 652.7036 Søren Sparvath Production- - DNK - sparvath SSIN
26 63.38 652.0114 Lianna Lisa Wohlgemuth Production- L DNK -
27 60.84 625.8325 Brian Alkier Production Optics- - DNK - baloo B.D.S
28 59.17 608.6802 Henrik Laursen Standard- - DNK - alphabear SSIN
29 56.73 583.5556 Kristina Agerbæk Production- L DNK -
30 56.07 576.7974 Peter Herstad Production Optics- S DNK - joebiden SSIN
31 55.04 566.2550 Mie Poulsen Standard- L DNK - SSIN
32 53.92 554.6546 Hans Larsen Classic- - DNK - donlarsen Aalborg skyttekres
33 53.42 549.5626 Morten Vestergaard Production Optics- S DNK - vestergaard CPS/SSIN
34 49.27 506.8685 Henrik Lüdecke Jørgensen Production- - DNK - B.D.S
35 47.23 485.8961 Henriette Damsø Production Optics- L DNK - SSIN
36 42.35 435.6426 Palle Jørgensen Standard- S DNK - B.D.S.
37 36.88 379.3483 Kim Frederiksen Classic- SS DNK - CPS & HSI
38 32.56 334.9837 kim poulsen Revolver- S DNK - CPS / SSIN
39 19.65 202.1127 Carina Riber Standard- L DNK - VEPI/HSI
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