First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 727.5161 Pavel Ibenforth Production- - DNK - ibenforth SDS
2 72.36 526.4332 Victor Næblerød Hersta Production- - USA -
3 70.89 515.7570 Mikkel Schulz Production- - DNK - SSIN
4 69.59 506.2857 Flemming Jensen Production- - DNK - snestorm SSIN
5 67.46 490.7498 Michael Stefansen Production- S DNK - stefansen SSIN
6 59.50 432.8859 Lianna Lisa Wohlgemuth Production- L DNK - SSIN
7 49.86 362.7470 Ronnie Johansen Production- S DNK - SAS
8 36.16 263.0964 Kenneth K Production- S DNK - SSIN / SKL
9 26.41 192.1205 Lars Dam Production- S DNK - Krudtuglen
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