First name
Last name
1 100.00 774.6443 Hugo Rinaldo Open+ J SWE U rinaldojr LaholmsPSK
2 97.92 758.4993 Robert Börjesson Production Optics- - SWE M rob79 MSF
3 85.34 661.0532 Albin Hylander Production Optics- - SWE U hylanderjunior LaholmsPSK
4 85.28 660.6232 Tobias Henriksson Open+ S SWE U monthe Växjö PK
5 84.54 654.8828 Fredric Hidesand Production Optics- - SWE U ssgcaptain Kullens PK
6 84.14 651.7811 Peter Saltvik Production Optics- S SWE U peppe GDS
7 83.80 649.1743 Robert Kunst Open+ S SWE U bangatbeep Växjö PK
8 83.80 649.1575 Mathias Rinaldo Open+ S SWE U pewpewu2 LaholmsPSK
9 79.93 619.1357 Lars Hagemann Production Optics- S DNK GM hagemann Nordic shooting Academy
10 77.66 601.5938 Pär Hylander Standard- S SWE U hylander LaholmsPSK
11 77.14 597.5348 Jörgen Björk Production Optics- S SWE U jorgenbjork IPSC Växjö
12 77.07 597.0455 Martin Håkansson Open+ - SWE GM hakansson MDSSK
13 74.96 580.6932 Carl Schultze Production- - SWE U schultze MSG
14 74.33 575.8317 Jerry Pettersson Classic- - SWE U laerkkan Växjö PK
15 73.17 566.8073 Ida Rinaldo Open+ J SWE U LaholmsPSK
16 72.94 565.0339 Jens Lundholm Production- - SWE U ÖPK
17 69.88 541.3567 Daniel Denwood Open+ S SWE U doubledelta MSPS
18 69.32 536.9518 Jesper Håkansson Production Optics- S SWE U jpha Kristianstads PK
19 67.44 522.4024 Daniel Aldén Production- - SWE U alden Kullens PK
20 65.69 508.8595 Steve Knutsson Production Optics- S SWE U stevo KPIF
21 64.37 498.6434 Mikael Persson Production Optics- S SWE U mrmike ÖPK
22 64.36 498.5816 Tom Westerholm Production Optics- S SWE U MSPS
23 63.89 494.9292 Peter Retep Production Optics- S SWE U retep KPIF
24 63.61 492.7801 Morten Jörgensen Standard- - SWE U netromj LaholmsPSK
25 63.55 492.2615 Joakim Classon Production Optics- S SWE U glockproduction Kristianstads PK
26 63.13 489.0617 Johan Spångberg Production Optics- - SWE U Ronneby PSK
27 62.58 484.8058 Bengt Petersson Production Optics- SS SWE U bengan KPIF
28 62.03 480.5431 Daniel Lindström Production- - SWE U MSG
29 61.60 477.1659 Christian Kronbäck Standard- - SWE U crillek Kristianstads PK
30 61.10 473.2717 Dan Mårtensson Production Optics- - SWE U dmartensson LaholmsPSK
31 60.46 468.3151 Niclas Seydlitz Production Optics- S SWE U bossebus KPIF
32 60.32 467.2925 Jimmy Andersson Production Optics- - SWE U jimmboo Växjö PK
33 59.98 464.6069 Robert Svensson Production- - SWE U MSG
34 59.69 462.3914 Gustav Mogren Production- - SWE U RPSK
35 59.21 458.6777 Daniel Linden Production- - SWE U ldd Växjö Pk
36 58.75 455.0675 Joakim Revelj Production Optics- - SWE U beardedman77 KPIF
37 58.64 454.2658 Peter Sternersson Standard- - SWE U MDSSK
38 58.11 450.1531 Lars Rosling Production- - SWE U rosling SPSK
39 57.58 446.0257 Anders Zander Standard+ - SWE U masterwelder MSG
40 57.51 445.5198 Daniel Hermansson Standard- - SWE U mrherman ECDS
41 57.39 444.5489 Jakob Thorsteinsson Standard+ S SWE U lothbrok Kullens PK
42 57.14 442.6184 Christian Andersson Production Optics- - SWE U snapphanen Kristianstads PK
43 57.10 442.3411 Sandra Björk Production Optics- L SWE U Växjö Pk
44 57.00 441.5576 Göran Majvall Open+ SS SWE U skaning MSG
45 56.17 435.1154 Alexandra Rinaldo Open+ L SWE U ladyalex LaholmsPSK
46 55.17 427.3893 Anders R. (#1386) Production- - SWE U KPIF
47 54.83 424.7407 Fredrik Landström Production Optics- - SWE U Skytte Smedjan (TEAM 016)
48 54.58 422.7696 Martin Eriksson Production- - SWE U ÄPK
49 53.35 413.3001 Tomas Hermander Production Optics- SS SWE U glock4u Växjö PK
50 53.24 412.4590 Andreas Mångs Production Optics- S SWE U drokk Växjö PK
51 53.15 411.7458 Bengt Karlsson Standard- S SWE U LaholmsPSK
52 52.83 409.2169 Erik Waern Production- - SWE U waern Växjö PK
53 52.58 407.3203 Johan Andersson Production Optics- - SWE U Jämjö SPK
54 52.46 406.3902 Damir Ahmetovic Production- S SWE U damaxir Växjö PK
55 52.12 403.7542 Albin Jansson Production- - SWE U RPSK
56 51.94 402.3418 Mikael Rikede Open- S SWE U Ängelholms PK
57 51.93 402.2421 Dan Bennäs Open- - SWE U Växjö PK
58 51.88 401.9088 Mikael Floberg Production Optics- S SWE U mickeys Kullens PK
59 51.44 398.4751 Martin Arildsson Standard- S SWE U Kristianstads PK
60 51.31 397.4883 Jenny Hagström Production Optics- L SWE U ECDS
61 51.31 397.4380 Cristopher Hermansson Production- - SWE U Växjö PK
62 51.28 397.2425 Robin Persson Standard- - SWE U 78rope22 Kristianstads PK
63 49.81 385.8482 Rolf Albers Production- S SWE U slaktarfan KPIF
64 49.24 381.4610 Jonas Claesson Production Optics- - SWE U ÄPK
65 48.94 379.1045 Emil Järnström Production Optics- - SWE U emijar ECDS
66 48.50 375.6854 Johan Henningsson Production Optics- S SWE U jhenningsson KPIF
67 48.12 372.7312 Ali Adel Revolver- - SWE U adelius GPiF
68 47.91 371.1656 Fredrik Engman Production Optics- - SWE U LaholmsPSK
69 47.74 369.7803 Anders Petersson Production- - SWE U pets KPIF
70 47.72 369.6530 Mathias Johansson Classic- - SWE U johanzon ÄPK
71 47.18 365.5103 Lars Jönsson Open- SS SWE U znake Kristianstads PK
72 47.09 364.7706 Markus Frohm Production Optics- - SWE U MSPS
73 47.06 364.5201 Toni Leitold Production Optics- - SWE U MSPS
74 46.68 361.6366 joakim strömberg Standard- S SWE U stromberg växjö pk
75 46.62 361.1061 Mattias Bjerlin Production Optics- - SWE U mattias790930 KPIF
76 46.50 360.2312 Camilla Nordgren Production Optics- L SWE U ior KPIF
77 46.34 358.9736 Peter Norrthon Production- - SWE U Kullens PK
78 45.41 351.7660 John Lindbom Open- SS SWE D LSC
79 44.94 348.0965 Martin Karlsson Production Optics- SS SWE U theprincess Växjö PK
80 44.23 342.6093 Jonas Axelsson Production- S SWE U Kullens PK
81 44.09 341.5181 Daniel Padellaro Production Optics- - SWE U hooja kpif
82 43.32 335.5481 Magnus Sjöberg Production Optics- S SWE U qm343 Döderhults PK
83 43.22 334.7754 Fredrik Petersson Production- - SWE U Växjö PK
84 42.91 332.4086 Roger Tiensuu Standard- SS SWE B rogert Växjö Pk
85 42.85 331.9622 Erik Sandell Standard- S SWE C sandell Nybro PK
86 42.77 331.3094 Peter Nilsson Standard- S SWE U ÄPK
87 42.27 327.4247 Fredrik Brötte Production Optics- - SWE U frbr KPIF
88 41.69 322.9753 Patrik Spett Open- S SWE U ÄPK
89 41.58 322.1006 Joel Cassel Production- - SWE U Ronneby PSK
90 41.15 318.7395 Robert Sundahl Production- - SWE U sundahl Ronneby psk
91 40.92 317.0065 Mattias Svensson Classic- - SWE U ÄPK
92 40.17 311.1551 Carl Abelin Production Optics- - SWE U reprobate KPIF
93 39.19 303.5935 Niklas Rosenkvist Classic- - SWE U ÄPK
94 39.08 302.7388 Erik Götblad Production- S SWE U Kpif
95 38.79 300.4966 Niclas Leonhard Production- S SWE U LaholmsPSK
96 38.49 298.1603 Niclas Johansson Production Optics- S SWE U Kristianstads PK
97 38.24 296.2418 Fredrik Lundberg Revolver+ S SWE U borderterrier Kristianstads PK
98 37.84 293.1319 Joakim Toresten Production- - SWE U djt Jämjö SPK
99 37.69 291.9473 Anel Muhic Production- - SWE U anel Växjö Pk
100 37.45 290.0938 Tore Frantz Open- S SWE U toref Växjö PK
101 37.29 288.8574 Kim Falkenback Classic- S SWE U ÄPK
102 36.97 286.4167 Henrik Kalling Production- S SWE U thunderpants Kristianstads PK
103 36.45 282.3662 Aaron Rikede Production- - SWE U ÄPK
104 35.72 276.7403 Andre Isaksson Standard- - SWE U zac MDSSK
105 35.54 275.2763 Daniel Petersson Production- - SWE U dadda KPIF
106 34.77 269.3578 Angelica Sanchez Standard- L SWE U LaholmsPSK
107 34.36 266.1815 Sascha Schlüter Standard- S SWE U Växjö PK
108 33.61 260.3622 Joakim Johansson Standard- S SWE U slaktarn LaholmsPSK
109 33.51 259.5985 Fredrik Ivarsson Classic- - SWE U Ängelholm PK
110 32.71 253.3920 Björn Ågren Production Optics- SS SWE U strutsfarm Kullens PK
111 31.89 247.0130 Moa Hvass Production- J SWE U KPIF
112 31.00 240.1624 Magnus Fredriksson Standard- S SWE U Växjö pk
113 30.65 237.4486 Elwyn Revelj Production- SJ SWE U elya1199 KPIF
114 29.65 229.6667 Irene Jönsson Standard- LS SWE U dorran Kristianstads PK
115 29.27 226.7055 Helene Nyqvist Production Optics- L SWE U helnyq Växjö PK
116 26.46 204.9443 Patrik Schüler Production- S SWE U Växjö PK
117 25.74 199.4244 Kristian Sjöholm Production Optics- - SWE U krillegrus Jämjö SPK
118 25.60 198.3067 Liselott Forsberg Production Optics- L SWE U lofo KPIF
119 20.20 156.5008 Liselott Tuwesson Production- L SWE U defacto Kristianstads PK
120 20.10 155.7199 Sheldon Marinovic Open- SJ SWE U MDSSK
121 18.19 140.9370 Bosse Jansson Revolver- SS SWE U boaw MSPS
122 14.63 113.3404 Victoria Rikede Production- LS SWE U ÄPK
123 9.93 76.9570 Louise Fischer Production- L SWE U Ängelholms pistolskytteklubb
124 9.16 70.9725 Philip Volmgren Classic- - SWE U MDSSK
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