First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 520.0000 Björn Mattsson Production- - SWE U mattssons LaholmsPSK
2 67.02 348.5212 Torbjörn Andersson Production- S SWE U LaholmsPSK
3 55.71 289.7005 Roy Hansson Production- - SWE U LaholmsPSK
4 51.77 269.2091 Magnus Jakobsson Production- - SWE U LaholmsPSK
5 48.61 252.7542 Joel Herzwall Production- S SWE U LaholmsPSK
6 47.49 246.9597 Sebastian Stenbeck Production- - SWE U LaholmsPSK
7 30.57 158.9449 Fredrik Lidholm Production- - SWE U LaholmsPSK
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