First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 485.9816 Pavel Ibenforth Production- - DNK U ibenforth SSIN
2 95.79 465.5242 David K Grainger Production Optics- - DNK U grainger SSIN
3 92.19 448.0475 Christian Bagger Open+ S DNK U bagger SSIN
4 89.85 436.6683 Selcuk Kahraman Production Optics- - DNK U selo Ks/ri98/sas
5 87.19 423.7105 Jan Guldbrandsen Open+ S DNK U SSIN
6 84.15 408.9537 Anders Egeskov Open+ - DNK U egeskov SSIN
7 84.04 408.4409 Dennis Kastrup Jakobsen Production Optics- S DNK U dennisipsc SSIN
8 81.78 397.4219 Mikkel Gudbrand Open+ - DNK U gudbrand SSIN
9 79.91 388.3363 Claus Henneberg Production Optics- - DNK U noxie SSIN
10 76.31 370.8497 Aleksandar Duracov Open+ - DNK U SSIN
11 76.05 369.6065 Michael Schow Open+ S DNK U schow SSIN
12 74.79 363.4547 Victor Næblerød Herstad Production- - DNK U SSIN
13 74.76 363.3085 Casper Vogelsang Production Optics- S DNK U vogelsang SSIN
14 74.23 360.7492 Søren Sparvath Production- - DNK U sparvath SSIN
15 71.21 346.0458 Henrik Lerfeldt Open+ SS DNK U bookkeeper SSIN
16 69.53 337.9211 Gorm Toft Standard- - DNK U SSIN
17 69.10 335.8141 Claus Dyrholm Sjøholm Production Optics- S DNK U SSIN/TSSF
18 68.08 330.8707 søren larsen Production Optics- SS DNK U wessel SSIN
19 66.72 324.2505 Karsten Erfort Production Optics- S DNK U erfort SSIN
20 63.96 310.8545 Nils Gunnersen Production Optics- S DNK U SSIN
21 63.94 310.7486 Dannie Høg Production- S DNK U SSIN
22 62.41 303.3170 Michael Stefansen Production- S DNK U stefansen SSIN
23 62.27 302.5972 Kenneth Svendsgaard Production Optics- - DNK U SSIN
24 61.89 300.7748 Peter Herstad Production Optics- S DNK U SDS/SSIN
25 60.23 292.6918 Dennis Martlev Classic- S DNK U smartlev SSIN
26 59.47 289.0316 Morten Vestergaard Production Optics- S DNK U vestergaard CPS/SSIN
27 58.93 286.3751 Perry Larsen Open+ SS DNK U locksmith SSIN
28 58.46 284.1203 Lasse Poulsen Standard- - DNK U poulsen SSIN
29 57.69 280.3813 Kresten Hellberg Standard- - DNK U SSIN
30 56.01 272.1760 Kim Wiencken Standard- S DNK B ventureshooter SSIN
31 55.23 268.3941 Lianna Lisa Wohlgemuth Production- L DNK U SSIN
32 54.80 266.3407 Thomas Uncas Thorgrimson Open- - DNK U SSIN
33 51.95 252.4829 Christian Rasmussen Production Optics- S DNK U SSIN
34 48.47 235.5590 Stig Alajdi Production Optics- S DNK U SSIN
35 47.99 233.2121 Henriette Damsø Production Optics- L DNK U SSIN
36 47.63 231.4881 Steen Bagger Standard- SS DNK U SSIN
37 47.43 230.5000 Blago Ivkovic Open- S DNK U SSIN
38 45.71 222.1504 Jens-Micael Johansen Standard- S DNK U jensmicael SSIN
39 45.05 218.9365 Christian Simony Production Optics- S DNK U SSIN
40 43.09 209.4201 Mie Poulsen Standard- L DNK U SSIN
41 39.80 193.4139 Morten Ziersen Standard- S DNK U SSIN
42 38.60 187.5864 Klaus A Production Optics- - DNK U SSIN
43 36.82 178.9363 Lars Bugge Production- SS DNK U SSIN / BSI
44 36.39 176.8712 kim poulsen Revolver- S DNK U CPS / SSIN
45 33.77 164.0987 Henrik Antonisen Production Optics- S DNK U SSIN / Strøby Skytteforening
46 31.11 151.2009 Lotte Høst Sjøholm Production Optics- SS DNK U SSIN
47 28.13 136.7068 Hans-Henrik Olesen Standard- - DNK U SSIN
48 0.00 0.0000 Torben G. Skjoldborg Production Optics- S DNK U SSIN
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