First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 496.7275 David K Grainger Production Optics- - DNK U grainger SSIN
2 94.30 468.4077 Selcuk Kahraman Production Optics- - DNK U selo Ks/ri98/sas
3 88.23 438.2387 Dennis Kastrup Jakobsen Production Optics- S DNK U dennisipsc SSIN
4 83.92 416.8743 Claus Henneberg Production Optics- - DNK U noxie SSIN
5 78.12 388.0355 Casper Vogelsang Production Optics- S DNK U vogelsang SSIN
6 72.38 359.5369 Claus Dyrholm Sjøholm Production Optics- S DNK U SSIN/TSSF
7 71.59 355.6095 søren larsen Production Optics- SS DNK U wessel SSIN
8 69.75 346.4492 Karsten Erfort Production Optics- S DNK U erfort SSIN
9 67.08 333.2108 Nils Gunnersen Production Optics- S DNK U SSIN
10 65.21 323.8951 Kenneth Svendsgaard Production Optics- - DNK U SSIN
11 64.77 321.7374 Peter Herstad Production Optics- S DNK U SDS/SSIN
12 62.46 310.2807 Morten Vestergaard Production Optics- S DNK U vestergaard CPS/SSIN
13 54.48 270.6110 Christian Rasmussen Production Optics- S DNK U SSIN
14 50.58 251.2367 Stig Alajdi Production Optics- S DNK U SSIN
15 50.38 250.2555 Henriette Damsø Production Optics- L DNK U SSIN
16 46.53 231.1433 Christian Simony Production Optics- S DNK U SSIN
17 39.85 197.9369 Klaus A Production Optics- - DNK U SSIN
18 35.62 176.9335 Henrik Antonisen Production Optics- S DNK U SSIN / Strøby Skytteforening
19 32.54 161.6178 Lotte Høst Sjøholm Production Optics- SS DNK U SSIN
20 0.00 0.0000 Torben G. Skjoldborg Production Optics- S DNK U SSIN
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