First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 496.5230 Gorm Toft Standard- - DNK U SSIN
2 84.90 421.5524 Lasse Poulsen Standard- - DNK U poulsen SSIN
3 83.06 412.4335 Kresten Hellberg Standard- - DNK U SSIN
4 79.97 397.0779 Kim Wiencken Standard- S DNK B ventureshooter SSIN
5 68.43 339.7510 Steen Bagger Standard- SS DNK U SSIN
6 65.62 325.8422 Jens-Micael Johansen Standard- S DNK U jensmicael SSIN
7 62.54 310.5082 Mie Poulsen Standard- L DNK U SSIN
8 57.90 287.4657 Morten Ziersen Standard- S DNK U SSIN
9 40.87 202.9411 Hans-Henrik Olesen Standard- - DNK U SSIN
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