First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 509.3352 Pavel Ibenforth Production- - DNK U ibenforth SSIN
2 75.29 383.4843 Victor Næblerød Herstad Production- - DNK U SSIN
3 74.35 378.7014 Søren Sparvath Production- - DNK U sparvath SSIN
4 64.45 328.2669 Dannie Høg Production- S DNK U SSIN
5 62.68 319.2592 Michael Stefansen Production- S DNK U stefansen SSIN
6 54.91 279.6714 Lianna Lisa Wohlgemuth Production- L DNK U SSIN
7 36.59 186.3643 Lars Bugge Production- SS DNK U SSIN / BSI
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