First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 1279.9580 Pavel Ibenforth Production- - DNK U ibenforth SSIN
2 83.96 1074.6032 Timur Lundholm Production- - SWE U timpa Stockholms LVF
3 74.12 948.7079 Jens Lundholm Production- - SWE U ÖPK
4 69.41 888.3731 Kenneth K Production- S DNK U SSIN / SKL
5 68.35 874.7938 Boris Niederquell Production- - DEU U HGK Lübeck, SV Greif Rostock
6 66.21 847.5192 Eric Ericsson Production- - SWE U sweaa Ängelholms PK
7 65.65 840.3126 Tommy Krey Production- - SWE U Jönköpings PK
8 65.21 834.6092 Peter S Production- S SWE U biker66 Karlstads PSK
9 64.55 826.1565 Lars Rosling Production- - SWE U rosling Skillingaryds PSK
10 64.42 824.5596 Danny Schoknecht Production- - DEU B PSG Güstrow
11 61.72 789.9564 Simon Johansson Production- - SWE U lillefot UPSF
12 61.44 786.4511 Peter Johansson Production- S SWE U pewpew Växjö PK
13 61.09 781.9462 Lars Pedersen Production- - NOR U larsip HPI
14 58.81 752.7934 Jonas Eklund Production- - SWE U Jönköpings PK
15 55.15 705.9319 anders zetterdahl Production- S SWE U zta Team ONYX
16 54.60 698.8035 Henrik Wirén Production- - SWE U Jönköpings PK
17 54.08 692.2037 Thomas Quist Production- S SWE U Jönköpings PK
18 53.17 680.5563 Marcus Höglund Production- - SWE U Döderhults PK
19 52.21 668.2570 Stian Edvardsen Production- - NOR U stianedvardsen HPI
20 50.46 645.9221 Charlie Dyrhede Production- - SWE U challe SSF
21 48.25 617.5763 Robin Alsparr Production- - SWE U Döderhults PK
22 43.30 554.2782 Maria Assenhöj Production- L SWE U LSKF
23 38.32 490.4768 Lilly Niederquell Production- SJ DEU U HGK Lübeck
24 34.21 437.8251 Carsten Fischer Production- S DEU U Hanseatischer Schuetzenbund e.V.
25 32.72 418.8180 Erika Quist Production- L SWE U Jönköpings PK
26 31.81 407.1704 Tabita Bach Production- L DNK U tabbie SASSkytteklub
27 26.38 337.6302 Christofer Gordon Production- S SWE U MSPS
28 25.25 323.1747 Carolina Tilljander Production- L SWE U ECDS
29 23.08 295.3645 Lisa Niederquell Production- J DEU U HGK Lübeck
30 15.99 204.6664 Mattias Svensson Production- S SWE U barkbiten MDSSK
31 10.86 139.0149 Emma Brolin Production- L SWE U MSPS
32 6.67 85.3196 Leo Niederquell Production- SJ DEU U HGK Lübeck
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