First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 466.3334 Johan Forsberg Custom- S NOR U HPI
2 96.59 450.4487 Kjetil Bermingrud Custom- - NOR U dustbunny HPI
3 95.63 445.9363 Richard Aaserud Custom- - NOR U bravohunter RPK
4 86.84 404.9837 Hans-Martin Ørebech Custom- - NOR U hmo HPI
5 86.72 404.3950 Ole-Ejvind Hære Custom- - NOR U honeybadger HPI
6 86.47 403.2420 Erik Torp Custom- S NOR U eriktor HPI
7 82.44 384.4441 Daniel Espelid Pedersen Custom- - NOR U pannekaker HPI
8 78.91 367.9750 Henrik Thomassen Custom- - NOR U carlvolt HPI
9 74.13 345.7158 Jon Andersen Custom- - NOR U zapffe HPI
10 58.45 272.5735 Per Fredrik Simensen Custom- - NOR U seffapeffa HPI
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