First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 655.0092 Marcus Skogstrom Production Optics- - SWE U maskman MSG
2 95.34 624.5163 Linus Kvarnhammar Production Optics- - SWE U MSG
3 91.05 596.3857 Richard Hansson Open+ S SWE U puh MSG
4 90.92 595.5258 Erik Nilsson Open+ - SWE U erikpewpew MSG
5 89.11 583.7028 Robert Purvins Standard Optics- - SWE U purvins MSG
6 87.84 575.3603 Fredrik Jacobsson Production Optics- - SWE U bigjake Malmö Skyttegille
7 84.06 550.5721 Mattias Haapaniemi Production Optics- S SWE U mrhappy MSG
8 83.21 545.0257 Jonas Ardemalm Production Optics- - SWE U ard Kullens PK
9 83.10 544.3364 Carl Schultze Production Optics- - SWE U schultze MSG
10 83.08 544.1885 Andreas Kraling Production Optics- S SWE A glock999 MSG
11 82.63 541.2657 Magnus Lindskog Production- - SWE U messer MSG
12 81.64 534.7233 Robert Svensson Production- - SWE U MSG
13 81.44 533.4608 Ida Rinaldo Production Optics- J SWE U LaholmsPSK
14 80.74 528.8365 Hugo Rinaldo Production Optics- J SWE U rinaldojr LaholmsPSK
15 79.00 517.4897 Roger W*** Open+ - SWE U majtii MSG
16 78.58 514.7181 Robert Hansson Open+ S SWE U hanssom P7 SKIF
17 75.62 495.3083 Jimmy Ihl Production Optics- S SWE U ihlskan P7 SKIF
18 75.58 495.0322 Daniel Larsson Open+ - SWE U swedan MSG
19 74.67 489.1148 Jonas Claesson Production Optics- - SWE U MSG
20 74.49 487.9266 Peter Fredriksson Production Optics- - SWE U fr3ddy MSG
21 73.42 480.9029 Oskar Elfvin Production Optics- - SWE U elvino MSG
22 72.70 476.1852 Damir Ahmetovic Production- S SWE U damaxir Växjö PK
23 70.35 460.8047 Greger Kontojoki Production- - SWE U MSG
24 68.70 450.0169 Daniel Hansson Production Optics- S SWE U MSG
25 65.86 431.4142 Otto Persson Production- - SWE U oper MSG
26 63.87 418.3350 Kim Skogström Production Optics- S SWE U finnen MSG
27 63.14 413.5532 Petter Naef Production Optics- S SWE M MSG
28 62.83 411.5469 Mats Ahlqvist Production Optics- SS SWE U matti MSG
29 62.57 409.8556 Alexandra Rinaldo Production Optics- L SWE U ladyalex LaholmsPSK
30 61.29 401.4716 Tony Köhrsen Production- - SWE U MSG
31 60.98 399.4245 Einar Cronstedt Production Optics- S SWE U MSG
32 58.77 384.9724 Jesper Arvidsson Production Optics- S SWE U jar MSG
33 56.09 367.4273 Johan Ericsson Standard- S SWE U MSG
34 55.63 364.4050 Richard Sandström Production- S SWE U MSG
35 55.43 363.0705 Ola Wallström Production- S SWE U owall MSG
36 55.24 361.8503 Jimisola Laursen Production- - SWE U MSG
37 54.78 358.7916 Tariq M*** Production- S SWE U check75pk
38 54.36 356.0525 René Frederiksen Standard+ - SWE U boombox MSG
39 53.12 347.9101 Tintin Blåholtz Production- - SWE U tintin P7 Skif
40 52.99 347.1204 Christian Håvedal Production Optics- - SWE U Kullens PK
41 51.19 335.2953 Franz Levin Production Optics- - SWE U MSG
42 49.31 322.9994 Håkan Spuhr Standard- - SWE U customluger MSG
43 49.22 322.4149 Karl Liljekvist Production Optics- - SWE U MSG
44 49.12 321.7302 Björn Elfvin Standard- SS SWE U bjoelf MSG
45 43.38 284.1744 Sean Saighani Production- - SWE U MSG
46 38.41 251.6083 Tony Hansson Production- S SWE U MSG Malmö
47 37.05 242.7104 Håkan Salvall Production- S SWE U salis MSG
48 35.01 229.3453 Tom Karlsson Production- - SWE U MSG
49 33.14 217.0756 Kristina Liljeholm Production Optics- L SWE U MSG
50 30.51 199.8744 David Thibel Standard- S SWE U triggerman MSG Dynamiska sektionen
51 17.27 113.1496 Patrik Carlsson Production Optics- S SWE U modestyblaise MSG
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