First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 1011.0716 Casper Vogelsang Production Optics- S DNK U vogelsang SSIN
2 88.04 890.1395 Finn Langkjær Production Optics- S DNK U langkjaer Lunde SG&I
3 64.68 653.9773 Peter Herstad Production Optics- S DNK U SDS
4 58.65 593.0308 Jens Willy Johannsen Production Optics- S DNK U Midt- og Vestsjællands Terrænskytter
5 50.60 511.5630 Lars Drudgaard Production Optics- S DNK U Akademisk Skytteforening Aarhus
6 48.64 491.7406 Hans Henrik Bech Hansen Production Optics- S DNK U Assens Skytteforening
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