First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 1169.2432 Pavel Ibenforth Production- - DNK U ibenforth SSIN
2 62.39 729.5128 Troels Lenda Production- - DNK U troels Hedensted/Løsning
3 61.80 722.6312 Ronnie Johansen Production- S DNK U SAS
4 55.52 649.1562 Jørgen T. Nielsen Production- S DNK U AS
5 51.00 596.2688 Henrik Lüdecke Jørgensen Production- - DNK U B.D.S
6 49.40 577.6407 Steffen Schmidt Production- S DNK U Lunde Skytte, Gymnastik og Idrætsforening
7 44.11 515.7693 Thomas Fjordhøj Production- - DNK U Vigersted skytteforening
8 43.54 509.0966 Andreas Kyster Production- S DNK U Assens Skytteforening
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