First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 474.1683 Robert Börjesson Production Optics- - SWE U rob79 MSF
2 97.29 461.2968 Karl Kempe Production Optics- - SWE U karl UPSF
3 96.73 458.6710 Rasmus Olausson Production Optics- - SWE U mapuf GGSF
4 94.30 447.1621 Eric Pütter Production Optics- - SWE U GPIF
5 93.06 441.2457 Christopher Vonasek Production Optics- - SWE U SäSF
6 92.99 440.9360 Hugo Rinaldo Production Optics- J SWE U rinaldojr LaholmsPSK
7 92.58 438.9891 Hans Hellenius Production Optics- - SWE U chimpy Säve PSK
8 91.20 432.4358 Peter Saltvik Production Optics- S SWE U peppe GDS
9 91.07 431.8423 Roland Muntoiu Production Optics- - SWE U GDS
10 88.62 420.2255 Adam Bäckman Production Optics- - SWE U beck Linköping Shooting Club
11 85.50 405.4297 Mikko Anttonen Production Optics- - SWE U millo SSF
12 82.06 389.1095 Johannes Malm Production Optics- - SWE U GGSF
13 80.54 381.8717 Emil Larsson Production Optics- - SWE U SSF
14 78.62 372.8016 Jerry Obeng Production Optics- S SWE U obe1 GGSF
15 78.17 370.6542 Robin Andersson Production Optics- - SWE U SSF
16 77.51 367.5081 Magnus "Kotte" Granqvist Production Optics- - SWE U kotte69 GPIF
17 77.32 366.6270 Thomas Bengtsson Production Optics- S SWE U fanthomas GDS
18 76.61 363.2636 Magnus Lilja Production Optics- - SWE U lilja SSF
19 75.22 356.6916 Jonas Ekholm Production Optics- - SWE U eka SSF
20 74.86 354.9658 Ida Rinaldo Production Optics- L SWE U LaholmsPSK
21 71.63 339.6455 Henrik Knutsson Production Optics- - SWE U henkebenke GDS
22 71.23 337.7550 Louise Lidholm Production Optics- L SWE U luckylou SSF
23 67.05 317.9138 Johan Hermansson Production Optics- - SWE U tingeling säve psk
24 66.77 316.6110 Alexandra Rinaldo Production Optics- L SWE U ladyalex LaholmsPSK
25 63.71 302.0785 Thomas Lind Production Optics- S SWE U LSKF
26 63.56 301.4014 Toni Celan Production Optics- S SWE U tonic Torups PK
27 61.92 293.5934 Jim Nano Production Optics- - SWE U GGSF
28 57.72 273.6779 Zoltan Koncz Production Optics- S SWE U GPIF
29 49.41 234.2693 Erik Andersson Production Optics- - SWE U erik78 SSF
30 47.03 222.9821 Philip Rubin Production Optics- - SWE U philip GGSF
31 45.56 216.0360 Niklas Engebretsen Production Optics- - SWE U GGSF
32 26.31 124.7416 Amandeep Dhillon Production Optics- - SWE U GPIF
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