First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 512.5581 Jörgen Andersson Production- S SWE U hicap P4 DS
2 79.46 407.2579 Gerry Strandberg Production- S SWE B gerry66 Jönköpings PK
3 77.99 399.7283 Jakob Säll Production- - SWE U jacke SÄP
4 75.31 386.0100 Eric Carlsson Production- - SWE U SSK
5 74.15 380.0681 Allan Bergman Production- - SWE U dosch BPS
6 70.37 360.7060 Henrik Wirén Production- - SWE U Jönköpings PK
7 63.56 325.7729 Erik Lindström Production- S SWE U orca VSD
8 63.23 324.0708 Maria Revling Production- L SWE U mhr SSF
9 59.58 305.3586 Richard Olsson Production- - SWE U SSF
10 54.71 280.4064 Oscar Brännudd Production- S SWE U obra SSF
11 54.71 280.3957 Mats Mood Production- - SWE U SSF
12 48.64 249.3125 Peter Jonsson Production- - SWE U pjonsson P4 DS
13 42.06 215.5897 Björn Frandsen Production- - SWE U SSF
14 41.26 211.4584 Alexander Nordenswan Production- S SWE U SÄPIF
15 37.46 192.0283 Tobias Efraomsson Production- - SWE U tobbe89 GPIF
16 37.30 191.1837 Michel LeBannèr Production- - SWE U Uddevalla Pistol Skytte Förening
17 29.60 151.6996 Tobias Andersson Production- - SWE U SSF
18 12.60 64.6053 Selman Al Production- - SWE U UPSF
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