First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 433.6802 Carl Fredrik Dalseth Production Optics- - NOR U mentagor OKTS
2 90.39 392.0076 Aleksander Norr Production Optics- - NOR U anorr OKTS
3 81.76 354.5938 Jone Fuglestad Production Optics- - NOR U jonemann OKTS
4 80.56 349.3864 Erlend Rimer Production Optics- - NOR U Gjøvik pistolklubb
5 76.70 332.6349 Ken Mikal Wongyarit Bangsund Production Optics- - NOR U kenbangsund OKTS
6 76.37 331.1953 Svein Erling Aarseth Production Optics- - NOR U OKTS
7 76.08 329.9351 Harald Storhaug Olsen Production Optics- - NOR U uglyduckling OKTS
8 74.23 321.9098 Thomas Gøytil Production Optics- - NOR U itchyarrow OKTS
9 73.74 319.7766 Karl Heine Ulvebne Production Optics- S NOR U OKTS
10 62.01 268.9422 Stefano Ciccarelli Production Optics- S NOR U OKTS
11 60.03 260.3466 Henning Villanger Production Optics- SS NOR U lentoalpha OKTS
12 56.27 244.0216 Ingrid Thea Ølberg Production Optics- L NOR U OKTS
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