First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 423.9890 Øystein Rambøl Production- S NOR U oysteinr SSL
2 95.85 406.3914 Morten Klov Production- SS NOR U morten SSL
3 86.10 365.0363 Morten Holland Production- S NOR U hollando EPK
4 85.42 362.1613 Wenche Linberg Production- L NOR U wenlin OKTS
5 79.04 335.1038 Eirik Andreassen Production- S NOR U OKTS
6 75.94 321.9803 Kian Spongsveen Production- S NOR U kian OKTS
7 72.56 307.6585 Ole Karsten Ryen Production- - NOR U cirkelk OKTS
8 72.40 306.9793 Sven Erik Lynne Production- - NOR U sel SSL
9 71.15 301.6734 Akaki Jobava Production- - NOR U OKTS
10 55.41 234.9253 Ola Bood Production- - NOR U OKTS
11 48.37 205.0790 Terje Mork Production- - NOR U OKTS
12 44.83 190.0859 Thor Milde Production- - NOR U Okts
13 28.30 120.0006 Steinar Ruud Production- - NOR U OKTS
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