First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 615.0000 Tore Fiborg Semi-Auto Open- SS NOR U minfoglio Agdenes pk
2 77.73 478.0504 Kaare Magnus Kalvik Semi-Auto Open- SS NOR U moyesman TDS
3 75.24 462.7294 Eirik Sigbjørnsen Semi-Auto Open- S NOR U eirikpewpew KDS
4 71.52 439.8304 Asbjørn Sagøy Semi-Auto Open- S NOR U HPK
5 66.13 406.7211 Andreas Lyssand Semi-Auto Open+ S NOR U 308lyssand PDS
6 61.99 381.2518 Kent Ivan Kjøsen Semi-Auto Open- S NOR U Hølonda Sportskyttere
7 61.60 378.8638 Arne Dalhøi Semi-Auto Open- SS NOR U dinohunter HPK
8 59.57 366.3750 Arve Yttri Semi-Auto Open- S NOR U yttrien SFS
9 50.63 311.3882 Gunnar Nyhus Semi-Auto Open- S NOR U SFS
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