First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 467.5391 Martin Ravn Production- J NOR U minimartini BSK
2 88.01 411.4741 Ove Sivertsen Production- S NOR U BSK
3 84.93 397.0662 Andreas Samnøy Production- - NOR U BSK
4 83.49 390.3549 Andreas Høiland Production- - NOR U BSK
5 81.65 381.7679 Geir Inge Gutierrez Vevik Production- - NOR U BSK
6 78.80 368.4289 Fredrik J Sandsmark Production- - NOR U sandsmark BSK
7 67.20 314.1788 Marius Wesenberg Production- - NOR U BSK
8 62.14 290.5187 Ulv Tyssøy Production- - NOR U turboulven BSK
9 51.73 241.8377 Frode Jensen Production- S NOR U NOP-HOS
10 48.24 225.5537 Stella NotKnown Production- J NOR U BSK
11 45.88 214.4861 Aleksander Nilsen Production- - NOR U BSK
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