First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 803.2662 Pieter Burger Open+ - ZWE U Golden city
2 97.99 787.1407 Glen Kruger Pistol Caliber Carbine Optics- - ZAF U Golden city
3 97.24 781.0898 Garrett-John Evans Production Optics- - ZAF U 3173 Golden City Shooting Club
4 95.64 768.2497 Christopher Hanscombe Pistol Caliber Carbine Optics- - ZAF A GC
5 94.56 759.5956 Lehan Potgieter Pistol Caliber Carbine Optics- - ZAF U minicane Golden City
6 90.94 730.4911 Frans Pieterse Pistol Caliber Carbine Optics- S ZAF A french Golden City
7 90.41 726.2506 Lehan Potgieter Production Optics- - ZAF U minicane Golden City
8 88.18 708.3593 Edwin Vermeulen Pistol Caliber Carbine Optics- - ZAF U edwin Golden City
9 84.38 677.7623 Dylan Kent Pistol Caliber Carbine Optics- - ZAF U GC
10 83.15 667.8850 Kenny Van Der Merwe Pistol Caliber Carbine Optics- SS ZWE A Golden City
11 82.95 666.3108 Dirk Van Der Walt Production Optics- - ZAF A professor GC
12 81.68 656.0843 Christopher Hanscombe Open+ - ZAF A GC
13 77.76 624.6293 Sasha-Lee Du Plessis Production Optics- L ZAF U sash Golden City Shooting Club
14 76.37 613.4923 Shameem Dadamia Open+ - ZAF C mimo Golden City
15 75.93 609.9567 Dirk Van Der Walt Pistol Caliber Carbine Optics- - ZAF U Golden City
16 75.76 608.5436 Jean Engelbrecht Standard+ S ZWE A BRSC
17 75.71 608.1862 Stevin Labuschagne Pistol Caliber Carbine Optics- - ZAF U Golden City 1863
18 74.77 600.6278 Glen Kruger Production Optics- - ZAF U Golden city
19 73.79 592.7119 Matthew Da Silva Custom+ - ZWE U GCDPC
20 73.55 590.7978 Neale Goddard Pistol Caliber Carbine Optics- S ZAF U Golden City
21 73.04 586.7295 Feroz (Faheem ) Daya Pistol Caliber Carbine Optics- - ZWE B feroz Golden City
22 72.61 583.2545 Herman Potgieter Production Optics- S ZAF U harrycane Golden City
23 72.48 582.1911 Henlo Buitendag Production Optics- - ZAF U Golden city
24 71.17 571.6898 Larry Class Pistol Caliber Carbine Optics- S ZAF C Golden City
25 68.47 549.9806 Carlo Belletti Open+ GS ZAF U Goldencity
26 68.45 549.8642 Albert Wessels Classic- S ZWE U Spartan Arms
27 67.99 546.1164 Shaun Esterhuizen Pistol Caliber Carbine Iron- - ZWE C Double Tap
28 67.53 542.4505 Darryl Jay Claassen Production Optics- - ZAF U darryl Golden City
29 66.93 537.6534 Dawood Dadamia Open+ SS ZAF U Golden City
30 66.27 532.3579 Wyn Robertson Production Optics- S ZWE A win Golden city
31 66.13 531.2224 Pravesh Magan Open+ - ZAF B Golden City
32 65.39 525.2273 Matthew Da Silva Standard+ - ZWE U GCDPC
33 65.14 523.2627 Edwin Vermeulen Standard+ - ZAF U edwin Golden City
34 64.83 520.7539 Wyn Robertson Pistol Caliber Carbine Optics- S ZWE A win Golden city
35 64.78 520.3311 James Selwyn Vaughan Open+ GS ZAF C jimv Roodepoort
36 64.59 518.7963 Wim Lambrechts Pistol Caliber Carbine Iron- S ZWE C PMSC
37 63.82 512.6136 Joel Cohen Open+ GS ZAF A Golden City
38 61.55 494.4003 cHris Marais Open+ GS ZAF B Goldencity
39 61.55 494.3964 Andy Charalambous Production- SS ZWE U Spartan Arms
40 59.46 477.6015 Brad Henstock Optics- S ZWE U brad Golden City
41 58.92 473.3071 Dewald Brits Open+ - ZAF U Golden City
42 58.86 472.8198 Minette Burger Open+ L ZWE U Golden City
43 58.42 469.2963 Gideon Carstens Production- S ZAF A kassie Golden City
44 58.14 467.0539 Sean O'Donovan Standard+ SS ZAF A GCity
45 57.39 461.0313 Keith Askham Open+ GS ZAF C jetjungle Golden City
46 56.91 457.1189 Mark Atkins Production Optics- S ZAF A Golden City
47 56.29 452.1556 Keith Trollip Pistol Caliber Carbine Optics- S ZAF C GCPSC
48 56.20 451.4126 Christine van der Walt Pistol Caliber Carbine Optics- L ZAF C Golden City
49 56.03 450.1022 Coert Erasmus Pistol Caliber Carbine Optics- SS ZAF B Golden City
50 54.51 437.8508 Jan Harm Jacobs Open+ S ZAF A Golden City
51 53.80 432.1580 MariƩ Brummer Open+ L ZWE C Guns@Work
52 53.45 429.3304 Schalk Du Plessis Production- - ZAF U schalk Golden City
53 53.04 426.0357 Kevin Trollip Open+ S ZAF C GCPSC
54 52.68 423.1519 Theo Badenhorst Optics- S ZWE U Guns at Work
55 52.24 419.6161 Bardev Rowjee Open- GS ZAF C Golden City Shooting Club
56 52.05 418.1116 Wayne Hammond Production- SS ZAF A rogue Golden City
57 51.86 416.5949 Larry Class Production Optics- S ZAF C Golden City
58 51.54 414.0257 Marius de Wet Production- S ZAF U Roodepoort IPSC
59 51.01 409.7641 David Kazakov Production- - ZAF U Golden City
60 50.36 404.4979 Johan Swanepoel Pistol Caliber Carbine Optics- S ZAF U RPSC
61 50.12 402.6286 William Harris Production- S ZAF C william Golden City
62 50.03 401.9101 Moosa Mangera Standard+ - ZAF A Golden City
63 48.58 390.2547 Colin De Souza Classic- SS ZAF C Golden City
64 47.42 380.9200 Peter Williams Optics- S ZAF U Roodepoort
65 46.80 375.9423 Louis Lombard Standard+ - ZAF U Golden City
66 45.40 364.7009 Shyam Jagwanth Production- S ZAF C Golden City
67 45.37 364.4797 Coert Erasmus Production- SS ZAF B Golden City
68 44.78 359.7193 Bashier Bhayat Standard+ S ZWE C Sporting shooting club
69 44.47 357.1800 Sebella O'Donovan Standard+ L ZWE C GCity
70 44.37 356.4444 Michael Zervogiannis Standard+ S ZWE U Vtpsa
71 44.25 355.4681 Neelesh Dullabh Standard- S ZAF U golden city
72 41.40 332.5178 Martin Lowe Optics- SS ZAF U Roodepoort
73 41.28 331.5561 Rudie Liebenberg Optics- - ZAF U Golden City Shooting Club
74 40.37 324.2466 Mozzy Delpeche Standard+ S ZWE U Vereeniging Practical Shooting Club
75 40.07 321.8384 Martin Le Roux Production Optics- S ZAF C Roodepoort
76 40.01 321.4148 Etienne Francois Bekker Standard- SS ZAF U golden city
77 38.82 311.8352 Lea Brits Production Optics- SJ ZAF U Golden City
78 36.92 296.5303 Enver Tim Standard+ GS ZAF C golden city
79 33.63 270.1413 Steven Barrett Standard- S ZAF U Golden City
80 33.36 267.9948 Adiel Albertyn Open+ S ZAF C adielo Golden City
81 32.37 260.0298 Brent Africa Production- S ZAF U Golden City
82 30.43 244.4020 Johan Esterhuizen Production- S ZAF U Roodepoort
83 27.67 222.2761 Jay Cellier Standard- S ZWE U Pmpsc
84 24.45 196.3863 Ryan Swanepoel Production- - ZAF U ryan RPSC
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