First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 851.4565 Jean Engelbrecht Standard+ S ZWE A BRSC
2 87.07 741.3965 Matthew Da Silva Standard+ - ZWE U GCDPC
3 87.01 740.8341 Edwin Vermeulen Standard+ - ZAF U edwin Golden City
4 78.30 666.6866 Sean O'Donovan Standard+ SS ZAF A GCity
5 65.94 561.4667 Moosa Mangera Standard+ - ZAF A Golden City
6 65.04 553.7748 Louis Lombard Standard+ - ZAF U Golden City
7 59.54 506.9839 Sebella O'Donovan Standard+ L ZWE C GCity
8 59.39 505.6951 Bashier Bhayat Standard+ S ZWE C Sporting shooting club
9 58.62 499.0873 Neelesh Dullabh Standard- S ZAF U golden city
10 58.09 494.6516 Michael Zervogiannis Standard+ S ZWE U Vtpsa
11 53.11 452.1716 Mozzy Delpeche Standard+ S ZWE U Vereeniging Practical Shooting Club
12 52.75 449.1229 Etienne Francois Bekker Standard- SS ZAF U golden city
13 48.50 412.9987 Enver Tim Standard+ GS ZAF C golden city
14 44.56 379.3935 Steven Barrett Standard- S ZAF U Golden City
15 38.28 325.9651 Jay Cellier Standard- S ZWE U Pmpsc
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