First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 345.0000 Håvard Østgaard Semi-Auto Standard- - NOR U haavos Agdenes Pistolklubb
2 77.93 268.8599 Tor olav Nordgård Semi-Auto Standard- - NOR U ostore APK
3 60.04 207.1384 Jon Terje Fremstad Semi-Auto Standard- - NOR U APK
4 32.37 111.6871 Mats Selven Semi-Auto Standard- J NOR U selvmafia APK
5 29.59 102.0771 Olaf Nikolai Johansen Semi-Auto Standard- - NOR U olup APK
6 28.79 99.3305 Lars Selven Semi-Auto Standard- - NOR U lsel APK
7 26.38 91.0093 Tore Vatn Semi-Auto Standard- - NOR U Bjugn Feltskyttere
8 6.21 21.4359 Porntipha Forbord Semi-Auto Standard- - NOR U TFS
9 4.25 14.6606 Kjell Marvin Fladseth Semi-Auto Standard+ - NOR U kjellmf APK
10 0.91 3.1300 Idar Nebelung Semi-Auto Standard- - NOR U TFS
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