First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 554.8266 Rasmus Saxild Standard- - DNK U xfire CPS
2 90.21 500.5184 Jan Bodé Standard- S DNK U SSIN
3 89.27 495.2923 Henrik Lerfeldt Standard- S DNK U bookkeeper SSIN
4 83.09 460.9858 Claus Stahnke Standard- S DNK U bengunn SSIN
5 81.52 452.3217 Torben G. Skjoldborg Standard- - DNK U tgs SSIN
6 71.59 397.1847 Jan Bolvig Andersen Standard- S DNK U CPS
7 67.97 377.0963 Thomas Kirk Standard- - DNK U kirk Kjøbenhavns Skytteforening
8 60.69 336.7219 Jan Guldbrandsen Standard- - DNK U SSIN
9 60.49 335.5954 Mark Weisinger Standard- S DNK U mark1 CPS
10 58.01 321.8507 Christian Jørgensen Standard- - DNK U Holbæk Skytteforening
11 49.92 276.9805 Lars Fuglsang Standard- - DNK U cps
12 48.89 271.2337 Coskun Aktas Standard- - DNK U thino KS
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