First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 723.7788 Matthew Wyborn Standard J GBR U Xsite Practical Shooting Club
2 90.33 653.7769 Justin Cooper Standard - GBR U East Barnet Shooting Club
3 88.48 640.4339 Mario Chan Standard - GBR U EAST BARNET SHOOTING CLUB
4 86.50 626.0540 Surawoot Tanasen Standard - GBR U doubletapob Double Tap Practical Shooting Club
5 85.71 620.3185 Paul Wyborn Standard J GBR U XPSC
6 85.28 617.2640 Lab-Kim Cheung Standard - GBR U Watford Practical Pistol Club
7 84.65 612.6566 Jeremias Palmones Open - GBR U jay Watford Practical Pistol Club
8 84.43 611.1075 Aryan Alipour Standard - GBR U Xsite Pracical Shooting Club
9 84.05 608.3664 Vajira Perera Standard - GBR U Watford practical pistol club
10 83.54 604.6207 Andrew Williams Standard - GBR U DTPSC
11 82.90 600.0486 Alasdair Mustard Standard - GBR U The Grange
12 78.73 569.8484 Steve Kempton Standard - GBR U xpsc
13 77.65 561.9933 Adam Mcbain Standard - GBR U XPSC
14 77.28 559.3351 Craig Meegan Standard - GBR U
15 76.78 555.6913 Tim Wyborn Open S GBR U Xsite Practical Shooting Club
16 75.86 549.0714 Luke Williams Open - GBR U
17 74.58 539.7583 Michal Naczynski Standard - GBR U WPPC
18 74.20 537.0376 Howard Frank Standard - GBR U The Grange
19 72.62 525.6210 Darren Beale Standard - GBR U Xsite practical shooting club
20 71.79 519.5935 Paul Van Den Bosch Open SS GBR U Watford Practical Pistol Club
21 70.88 512.9863 Ian Gatherum Standard - GBR U Watford PPC
22 68.01 492.2205 Mark Van Den Bosch Standard S GBR U Watford Practical Pistol Club
23 67.67 489.8053 Stephen Birtwhistle Open S GBR U nppc
24 66.90 484.2371 Luis Emerton Open - GBR U WMAA
25 65.59 474.7348 Steve Taylor Open S GBR U
26 62.36 451.3380 Steve Moore Standard - GBR U
27 60.11 435.0882 Wilfred Meegan Open - GBR U
28 58.28 421.8314 Rob Johnson Standard S GBR U
29 57.63 417.0913 Nick Dita Open - GBR U LPSAA
30 55.31 400.3051 Milan Koria Standard S GBR U NPPC
31 54.06 391.2675 Jim Sephton Standard - GBR U The Grange
32 53.67 388.4798 Maria Christina Palmones Open L GBR U tina WPPC
33 48.31 349.6635 Dawn Williams Open L GBR U
34 46.62 337.3910 Trevor Sinclair Open SS GBR U wppc
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