First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 591.9142 Peter De Cock Open+ - BEL U Shooting Gallery Aalst
2 98.99 585.9236 Thierry Pestiaux Open+ - BEL U TGS
3 97.86 579.2501 Francis Serneels Open+ S BEL U Fort Lier
4 96.16 569.1591 Tom Saudemont Standard+ - BEL U HSV
5 93.54 553.6569 Willy De Vos Open+ - BEL U SNPS
6 93.07 550.8883 Guillaume De Mezel Standard+ - BEL U La Defence
7 92.85 549.6187 Maxime Ghijselings Production- - BEL U TGS
8 92.13 545.3353 Carl Deleu Open+ - BEL U PSCK
9 91.29 540.3675 Jurgen Ronsse Open+ - BEL U TGS
10 90.36 534.8383 Frank Witters Open+ - BEL U Fort Lier
11 89.91 532.2188 Karel Moortgat Open+ S BEL U Shooting Gallery Aalst
12 88.32 522.7573 Raf Maerevoet Open+ - BEL U HSV
13 87.95 520.5617 Jens Serneels Open+ - BEL U Fort Lier
14 87.11 515.5992 steve Margodt Standard+ - BEL U smargodt PSCR
15 86.22 510.3763 Eddy De Meulenaer Open+ SS BEL U SNPS
16 85.30 504.8937 Sam Veraghtert Standard+ - BEL U 30M1-B
17 83.46 494.0013 Jean-Yves Deryck Open+ S BEL U PSCK
18 83.27 492.8967 Philippe Vanreusel Production- - BEL U Fort Lier
19 83.15 492.2018 Christian Lacroix Standard+ S BEL U Sprimont
20 82.94 490.9460 Paul Vechter Open+ - BEL U 30M1
21 80.83 478.4723 Marcel Bus Open+ S BEL U Fort lier
22 80.01 473.5753 Alwin Roosen Standard+ - BEL U alwinroosen 30M1-B
23 79.48 470.4516 Marc Lauwers Production- S BEL U HSV
24 76.84 454.8343 David Misplon Open- - BEL U PSCR
25 76.23 451.2270 Alphonse Defgnée Open+ SS BEL U jodoigne
26 75.60 447.4801 Sebastien Vandraye Production- - BEL U TGS
27 75.17 444.9533 Danny Callaert Standard+ S BEL U VPSG
28 74.71 442.2240 Guillaume Balliere Open- - FRA U PA
29 74.50 440.9587 Thierry Crespin Production- - BEL U EBSA
30 74.26 439.5384 Erwin Van Roy Production- - BEL U VPSG
31 73.09 432.6509 Gunther Luyts Open+ - BEL U Fort Lier
32 72.20 427.3334 Gregory Straetmans Production- - BEL U TGS
33 71.44 422.8609 Pierre Brochard Production- S BEL U pibro TGS
34 70.58 417.7441 Patrick Bachot Open+ S BEL U Fort Lier
35 69.66 412.3362 Gerard Albert Production- S BEL U EBSA
36 67.92 402.0007 Kulwant Singh Open+ S BEL U Fort Lier
37 67.51 399.5969 Fabien Leclercq Production- - BEL U TGS
38 67.28 398.2588 Tom Van der Meeren Standard- - BEL U Shooting Gallery Aalst
39 66.87 395.7864 Luc Dessart Production- S BEL U EBSA
40 66.19 391.8018 Pierre Van Eynde Open+ - BEL U 30M1
41 65.63 388.4859 Olivier Bodard Production- - BEL U CTN
42 65.58 388.1943 Eric Martin Production- - BEL U SuperShooting
43 65.35 386.8127 Tom Nuyts Production- - BEL U VPSG
44 65.01 384.8160 Joel De Mezel Production- S BEL U La Defence
45 64.80 383.5783 Philippe Van Bergen Standard- - BEL U 30M1
46 64.37 381.0374 Ken Maerevoet Open+ - BEL U HSV
47 64.30 380.5797 Gerrit Mariën Production- - BEL U Shooting Gallery Aalst
48 63.98 378.7322 Erwin Deramaut Standard+ - BEL U FULL MAGS
49 63.95 378.5213 Franky Van Damme Standard+ S BEL U PSCK
50 63.58 376.3583 Marcel Smeers Production- SS BEL U EBSA
51 63.49 375.8139 Pieter Sabbe Open- - BEL U PSCR
52 62.96 372.6746 Antonios Zachariadis Production- - BEL U IPSC CTO TEAM
53 62.86 372.0776 Frederik Mattelaere Open- - BEL U PSCR
54 62.47 369.7558 Eddy De Meersman Standard- S BEL U Shooting Gallery Aalst
55 62.30 368.7704 Roland Mailly Standard+ SS BEL U TGS
56 62.20 368.1580 Jeremie Duro Production- - BEL U TGS
57 61.85 366.1279 Peter Vercammen Production- - BEL U HSV
58 60.01 355.1968 Emmanuel Gerard Production- S BEL U TGS
59 59.80 353.9464 Johnny Rouire Production- - BEL U Vpsg
60 59.39 351.5593 Santo Colombrita Open+ SS BEL U EBSA
61 59.31 351.0813 Geert Monsecour Open+ S BEL U Shooting Gallery Aalst
62 59.05 349.4973 Steve Giannone Standard+ - BEL U
63 58.42 345.7872 Frank Gilain Production- - BEL U CTN
64 58.10 343.9090 Carl Warichet Production- - BEL U CTN
65 57.78 341.9998 Marc De Cock Standard+ S BEL U Shooting Gallery Aalst
66 57.06 337.7611 Eric Depoorter Production- - BEL U La Defence
67 57.04 337.6401 Marc Hendrickx Standard+ - BEL U 30M1
68 56.92 336.8970 Harold Defuster Standard- - BEL U PSCK
69 56.15 332.3358 Branko Trifunovic Production- - BEL U La Defence
70 55.28 327.1990 Eddy Witpas Standard+ S BEL U HSV
71 54.94 325.2199 Johan Van der Meersch Standard- S BEL U Shooting Gallery Aalst
72 52.41 310.2210 Sébastien Vandaudenard Production- - BEL U FSCL
73 51.64 305.6553 Jean-Luc Cornet Open- S BEL U SuperShooting
74 51.23 303.2110 Philippe Quintin Production- S BEL U TGS
75 51.16 302.7971 Michel De Witte Production- S BEL U TGS
76 50.56 299.2928 Axel Bernier Production- - BEL U EBSA
77 50.54 299.1320 Didier Vanederghem Standard- - BEL U La Defence
78 50.21 297.1924 Kristof Cael Standard- - BEL U PSCK
79 49.21 291.2985 Alex Pauwels Production- - BEL U La Defence
80 49.05 290.3495 Plumier Fredy Production- SS BEL U CTN
81 47.05 278.5160 Christian Cauderlier Production- S BEL U CTF
82 46.07 272.6746 Patrice Leporcq Production- S BEL U
83 46.05 272.6016 Salvatore Roccia Open- S BEL U La Defence
84 46.04 272.4985 Philippe Pluymers Standard+ - BEL U EBSA
85 45.82 271.2166 Jean-Jacques Deom Production- S BEL U EBSA
86 45.35 268.4087 Freddy Grande Production- - BEL U CTF
87 44.19 261.5581 Michael Evrard Production- - BEL U SuperShooting
88 42.64 252.3818 Stijn Holvoet Standard- - BEL U PSCR
89 42.07 249.0291 Hubert Burton Standard- - BEL U EBSA
90 41.79 247.3423 Jean-Michel Jansen Production- S BEL U EBSA
91 41.75 247.1374 Felicien Abrassart Production- S BEL U TGS
92 41.73 247.0159 Michel Pellaers Standard- - BEL U EBSA
93 41.36 244.8323 Stefan De Vos Production- - BEL U Fort lier
94 41.17 243.6927 Xavier Porreye Standard- - BEL U PSCK
95 40.50 239.7392 Michel Bultinck Standard- - BEL U FULL MAGS
96 39.75 235.3083 Johan Ketelaers Open- - BEL U SuperShooting
97 39.50 233.7996 Paola Roccia Standard- L BEL U La Defence
98 39.41 233.2784 Marc Metior Production- - BEL U VPSG
99 38.49 227.8385 Daniel Devos Production- S BEL U HSV
100 36.96 218.7482 Bernard Russi Open- SS BEL U PSCK
101 36.64 216.8992 Valery Dehogne Production- - BEL U IPSC CTO TEAM
102 36.35 215.1348 Jean-Pierre Verdeyen Standard- SS BEL U HSV
103 34.96 206.9317 Dirk Schampheleer Production- - BEL U bpsa1082 GOSTAR
104 32.67 193.3732 Jean Dartois Open- SS BEL U CTN
105 32.38 191.6503 Jannicq Sierens Open+ L BEL U Shooting Gallery Aalst
106 31.92 188.9520 Dessy Milenova Standard- L BEL U La Defence
107 31.91 188.8938 Fernand Vanbeersel Production- SS BEL U CTN
108 31.90 188.8488 Paul Russi Open+ SS BEL U PSCK
109 31.74 187.8667 Alain Beckers Open+ S BEL U EBSA
110 31.01 183.5432 Johnny Januarius Standard- S BEL U Shooting Gallery Aalst
111 26.29 155.6013 Jeroen Gorlias Standard- - BEL U Shooting Gallery Aalst
112 26.29 155.5963 Patrick Martinus Production- SS BEL U CTN
113 17.01 100.6901 Igor Vasilyev Standard- S BEL U TGS
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