First name
Last name
1 100.00 564.2432 Erik Stjernlöf Open+ - SWE U starleaf GDS
2 94.26 531.8276 Rasmus Gyllenberg Production- - SWE U gylla GPIF
3 87.76 495.1994 Bjarne Larning Open+ - SWE U bjarne VSD
4 84.75 478.1907 Robert Börjesson Standard+ - SWE U rob79 GPIF
5 80.16 452.2822 Cecilia Lindberg Production- L SWE U chitchi GPIF
6 78.78 444.5335 Daniel Johnson Production- - SWE U surfan Skepplanda skytteförening
7 77.10 435.0084 Daniel Lilienberg Open+ - SWE U mcping GDS
8 75.27 424.7339 Gustav Persson Open+ - SWE U gprifle VSD
9 75.02 423.2779 Jens Sandberg Open- S SWE U jens Säve PSK
10 74.97 423.0088 Tord Marklund Production- - SWE U tordmar GPIF
11 73.12 412.5974 Magnus von Brömsen Open+ S SWE U brake6 Säve PSK
12 72.77 410.5810 John Hallbäck Standard- - SWE U joff GDS
13 72.57 409.4794 Stefan Johannesson Production- S SWE U st3f4n GPIF
14 72.55 409.3422 David Ståhl Open+ - SWE U goliat40 GDS
15 71.58 403.9126 Joakim Lindberg Standard+ - SWE U jolin76 UPSF
16 69.93 394.5828 Mikael Olsson Production- S SWE U mikols14 GPIF
17 69.46 391.9249 Jonas Forslund Standard+ - SWE U forsis Skepplanda SF
18 69.09 389.8077 Marcus Molin Open+ - SWE U mackan73 Västsvenska DS
19 68.22 384.9311 Magnus Abelsson Production- - SWE U arbsys VSD
20 67.39 380.2294 Patrik Hållpås Standard- - SWE U patrik Security Group Dynamics
21 66.95 377.7364 Kristoffer Ellerås Production- - SWE U ellerask Skepplandaskytteförening
22 66.57 375.5895 Erik Lindström Production- - SWE U orca VSD
23 66.07 372.7994 Erik Larsson Production- - SWE U eqlazer GDS
24 65.43 369.1788 Magnus "Kotte" Granqvist Production- - SWE U kotte69 GPIF
25 65.40 369.0065 Henrik Berntsson Production- - SWE U punisher GPIF
26 64.92 366.3070 David Andersson Production- - SWE U davida UPSF
27 64.47 363.7607 Johan Werner Production- - SWE U Security Group Dynamics
28 63.87 360.3655 Richard Johansson Standard- - SWE U beemer UPSF
29 63.72 359.5132 Robert Antonsson Production- - SWE U hobbe GDS
30 63.05 355.7490 Christopher Samuelsson Production- - SWE U samuelsson Uddevalla PSF
31 63.04 355.6821 William Hagman Standard- - SWE U williamson GDS
32 62.40 352.0684 Hans Gustafsson Production- - SWE U SGD
33 62.20 350.9671 Alf Wallblom Standard- - SWE U awall UPSF
34 59.58 336.1482 Per-Erik Myrstrand Standard- - SWE U sknug UDDEVALLA PSF
35 59.57 336.1136 Miroslav Matkovic Standard+ - SWE U miro79 Security Group Dynamics
36 59.42 335.2819 Christer Back Standard+ S SWE U 40sw GPIF
37 59.41 335.2069 Jimmy Voimäki Standard- - SWE U voivoi UPSF
38 59.31 334.6771 Patrik Alenklint Standard- - SWE U c1jgrp UPSF
39 58.78 331.6747 Daniel Andersson Production- - SWE U GPIF
40 58.74 331.4549 Fredrik Johansson Standard+ - SWE U tummen VSD
41 58.63 330.8226 Alexander Runesson Open+ - SWE U VSD
42 58.21 328.4221 Andreas Wennerberg Production- - SWE U affe GDS
43 57.71 325.6524 Niclas Danielsson Production- - SWE U GDS
44 57.43 324.0631 Tony Wendelklint Production- - SWE U klintan GPIF
45 56.76 320.2906 Anders Eriksson Standard- - SWE U ame Mölndals Skytteförening
46 55.63 313.8673 Mikael Larsson Production- - SWE U oddball Uddevalla PSF
47 52.66 297.1547 Peter Eliasson Production- - SWE U petereliasson UPSF
48 52.56 296.5624 Johan Lindquist Production- - SWE U nahoj MSF
49 52.46 296.0296 Joakim Flövik Production- - SWE U joakungen GDS
50 51.99 293.3693 Conny Skoog Open- S SWE U const GDS
51 51.17 288.7251 Eric Karlsson Production- - SWE U osten2k UPSF
52 50.82 286.7395 Tommy Giebat Standard- - SWE U giebat Uddevalla PSF
53 50.35 284.0985 Mikael Rineflo Production- - SWE U Vsd
54 50.15 282.9454 Jonas Winberg Standard- - SWE U jowi Uddevalla PSF
55 49.80 280.9741 Thomas Eriksson Standard- - SWE U teriksson79 Mölndals skytte klubb
56 49.57 279.6944 Malin Gustavsson Production- L SWE U maling75 UPSF
57 49.42 278.8671 jürgen raudva Production- - SWE U jura Säve PSK
58 49.39 278.6949 André Jägerev Standard- - SWE U jagerev Uddevalla PSF
59 49.24 277.8418 Daniel Liothe Production- - SWE U munken UPSF
60 48.79 275.2754 Andreas Johansson Production- - SWE U UPSF
61 48.27 272.3824 Daniel Grubb Production- - SWE U dag Security Group Dynamics
62 47.90 270.2908 Andreas Eievik Production- - SWE U splix MSF
63 47.69 269.1022 Freda Peterson Production- - SWE U freda VSD
64 47.61 268.6097 Christian Hermansson Production- - SWE U GDS
65 47.26 266.6710 Mikael karlsson Classic- - SWE U UPFS
66 46.89 264.5948 Patrik Andersson Production- - SWE U pat vsd
67 46.24 260.8905 Mattias Forseng Standard- - SWE U forseng Uddevalla PSF
68 45.68 257.7470 Marie Weiss Production- L SWE U GPIF
69 45.25 255.3100 Martin Lamkén Production- - SWE U spaceboy MSF
70 44.51 251.1570 Johan Liliedahl Production- - SWE U GPIF
71 44.23 249.5504 Anton Molin Open+ J SWE U gibbster vsd
72 41.55 234.4310 Christoffer Horsvik Standard- - SWE U forestermax UPSF
73 40.56 228.8780 Andreas Eklund Production- - SWE U sharpedge MSF
74 39.99 225.6177 Christian Holmgren Standard- - SWE U kryllxc Uddevalla Pistolskytteförening
75 38.93 219.6457 Jonaz Carlson Production- - SWE U jayc VSD
76 38.64 218.0466 Tobias Wolfram Production- - SWE U wolf93 Borås Pistolskyttar
77 37.61 212.2250 Johan Hansson Standard- - SWE U uddevalla ipsc
78 37.55 211.8808 Edith Gustavsson Production- L SWE U ehg Uddevalla PSF
79 36.73 207.2463 Glenn Arwidsson Production- - SWE U UPSF
80 36.15 203.9782 Pierre Förne Production- - SWE U pirre Borås pistolskyttar
81 35.32 199.2815 Lars T Andersson Standard- SS SWE U larst Mölndals Skytteförening
82 34.65 195.5109 Emma Lökholm Production- L SWE U emma Säve PSK
83 34.50 194.6574 Jonny Åberg Production- - SWE U bravo78 Mölndals Skytteförening
84 34.26 193.2946 Håkan Hedlöf Standard- S SWE U murarn SGD
85 31.16 175.8123 Aleksandar Petrusevski Production- - SWE U aleks MSF
86 30.00 169.2999 Roger Olsson Standard- - SWE U rollson Uddevalla PSF
87 26.63 150.2406 Peter Angelborn Standard- - SWE U decca Säve psk
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