First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 625.6982 Johan Fredriksson Standard- - SWE U fredriksson Stockholms LVF
2 98.93 619.0264 Pär Hylander Open- - SWE U hylander Laholms Psk
3 77.49 484.8835 Magnus Appelkvist Classic+ - SWE U kapten IPSC Kristianstad
4 77.34 483.9220 Jesper Thelander Open+ - SWE U thelander Södertäljepolisens skytteförening
5 76.15 476.4881 Håkan T Söderholm Classic- - SWE U semperprimus IPSC Kristianstad
6 68.40 427.9672 Christian Kronbäck Production- - SWE U crillek Kristianstad IPSC
7 66.95 418.8791 Thomas Persson Classic- - SWE U pezon JPK
8 65.40 409.2171 Micke Ovesson Standard- - SWE U Kristianstads PK
9 61.46 384.5708 Kristian Söderström Production- - SWE U macmyran Torups PK
10 59.70 373.5670 Frederic Nilsson Production- - SWE U scorpan MLSG
11 59.64 373.1728 Enver Selimaj Standard- - SWE U flaka Kristianstad
12 58.72 367.4149 Niclas Fröhberg Production- - SWE U kbv07 Malmö
13 58.16 363.9229 Johan Olsson Production- - SWE U Kristianstad
14 58.11 363.5697 Magnus Sjögren Standard- - SWE U Kristianstads PK
15 57.32 358.6243 Toni Kaic Classic- - SWE B kaic Laholms PSK
16 56.24 351.8763 Olle Ahlström Standard- - SWE U stolle Jönköpings PK
17 55.87 349.5952 micke wessman Standard- S SWE U bigflash kpk
18 55.27 345.8340 Tim Cleasson Production- - SWE U volvoragger Laholms psk
19 54.62 341.7864 Patrik Carlsson Production- - SWE U modestyblaise Malmö Skyttegille
20 54.35 340.0393 Martin Sundgren Production- - SWE U sundgren Laholm
21 54.10 338.5320 Lars Jönsson Open- SS SWE U znake C4 IPSC
22 53.86 337.0025 Oscar Krook Revolver+ - SWE U platemate Kristianstad
23 53.78 336.5165 Jens Borg Production- - SWE U swedenborg Laholms Pistolskytteklubb
24 47.15 295.0099 Christofer Ramkvist Standard- S SWE U aklagare Kristianstad
25 46.87 293.2919 Daniel Härelind Revolver- - SWE U backbreaker Jönköpings PK
26 46.44 290.5668 Christoffer Hermansson Classic- - SWE U blastn01 IPSC Kristianstads
27 44.49 278.3760 Johann Ramsauer Production- - SWE U ramsauer EDS
28 44.32 277.3155 Thette Holmberg Standard- L SWE U misspurple Kristianstads PK
29 40.06 250.6381 Peter Rödseth Production- - SWE U C4 IPSC
30 38.08 238.2863 Peter Claesson Production- - SWE U pc65 Laholms PSK
31 36.33 227.2906 Örjan Tollbom Production- SS SWE U oldiebutgoldie Emmaboda SKF
32 31.70 198.3475 Magnus Sandblom Production- - SWE U sand73 Laholms Psk
33 26.53 166.0223 Irene Jönsson Standard- L SWE U C4 IPSC
34 26.26 164.3023 Malin Paulsson Standard- L USA U
35 23.20 145.1752 Andreas Pettersson Production- - SWE U C4 IPSC
36 22.23 139.1205 Johan Appelkvist Production- - SWE U appeal C4 IPSC
37 13.16 82.3461 Liselott Tuwesson Standard- L SWE U defacto IPSC Kristianstad
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