First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 612.7254 Tobias Henriksson Open+ - SWE U monthe Växjö PK
2 96.69 592.4565 Michael Gjelsø Open+ - DNK GM cossie BVS
3 80.90 495.7071 Ola Carlsson Open+ - SWE U ola944 YDSKF
4 76.84 470.8055 Henrik Lenskjold Open+ S DNK U BVS/SSIN
5 62.56 383.3416 Göran Majvall Open+ S SWE U skaning MSG
6 58.64 359.3269 Lars Jönsson Open- SS SWE U znake Kristianstads PK
7 57.41 351.7807 Kim Brink Open+ - SWE U brink Kullens pk
8 47.29 289.7367 Weine Samuelsson Open+ SS SWE U wesa LSC
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